Originally Posted by Oceanlee
Its simply means, Some fallen are able to make a comeback or at least pullback might not to the glorious day but able to survive. worst is fallen and unable to stand tall like a man again.
Not everyone is fortunate enuff to have 2nd, 3rd chance to pick up from where they fallen or meet 贵人 master / good samaritian to help them.
therefore one foundation must be build n know its strength n weak points.
din know you are well learnt on chinese history too.
I would rather 2nd that and relate it to the classic of "唐伯虎" which is more relevant than 商鞅 
Tk u for yur explanation. got wat u mean now!
alamak bro oceanlee, me no 'glorious day' before lah, just only 'quiet desperation' so far ... Glorious day? ........ it is yet to cum!
& if i 刻苦钻研 & apply wat '贵人' bro justime taught, i believe tat day wl surely cum .. as i already see sum result wen i apply his priniciples.