Thread: Mistress
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Old 18-08-2009, 04:02 AM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
……. I admire ur detached nonchalant attitude.

Your approach to the issue of unfaithfulness is very level-headed n pragmatic.
Originally Posted by kurosaki ichigo View Post
…… To cut the long story short, I dumped her after a few months of pleasure. It was nice while it lasted. Could have been better if it went on longer.

Justime's motto is true and stands the test ---> Be nonchalantly detached... I've used it before and the girl just comes crawling back to you even though she has her own tricks trying to ensnare you
I find that being detached to outcome serve you best. You just focus on the process itself and let corollary/consequence/result follow its own course. You will be surprised that the results will mostly align itself to your desires if you simply take care of the process, the “here & the now” so to speak.

Speaking of “the now”, let me borrow a quote from Bro Warbird’s post on his 'Picking Up gals outside KTV' thread (- good complementary material to this thread may I add) which I find very erudite.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Why am I trying so many gals at the same time? I enjoy the game NOW.

As a student of Zen Buddhism, I try to live in the perpetual present moment, which is the ONLY reality. I dun agonise over my past, which doesn't exist AND I dun worry abt the future, which is also nonexistent, hahaha. I do learn from my past n plan for the future, but spending less than 1% of my time doing that though, unlike the majority of people who r preoccupied w/ their past n future which dun even exist...

Live every present moment well ur life will turn out fine.

Just my humble 2 cents. If some bros hv dissenting views, pls share w/ us here. And give ur reasons though.

Show me where ur past is. To me, there r ur current memories of the past, which r nothing more than biochemical reactions occurring in ur brain at the present moment.!
Let me share /recommend an amazing piece of work by one of my fave authors:

'Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience', by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi.

(Click on the link, it will take you 'wikipedia' which summarizes very well the main purport of his work.)

And by the way, if you adhere to the prinicples of "Flow" with regards to sex ... copious juices will flow, and you will be seen as a stud.

Good nite. Enjoy your read and be illuminated!
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."