Thread: Mistress
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Old 19-08-2009, 06:44 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Wow boss Justime, didn't know you also got singers
When you go HFJ, can jio me?
Me wanna eye open open to c u in action
I don't have many singers under my patronage. Only three (one dancer amongst them but I classify her under the singer category as they got their work permit for only six months at a time) in my entire life.

Anyway for singers, I have to 100% defer to you as I am quite a greenhorn here. Don't know how to extract maximum value for money in their context!

Why I tend to shy away from singers is because their situation does not lend easily to what I want from my BY in terms of flexibilty of time (to accomodate mine).

You are absolutely right that in singers, you can easily control her movement(s) and whom she is seeing. It is the best possible BY prospect for those whose time is relatively flexible and/or whose timing dovetails nicely with a singers work schedule.

The opposite side of the coin is that a singer is also governed by the same constraint when it comes to seeing/entertaining me. I hate the notion of buying time for singers to accompany me as I don't want the entertainment establishment to earn this additional income from me. Afterall, I am already paying her equal to what she is drawing (monthly target of $6, 000 to $8, 000if I remember correctly).

Another reason why singers is not suitable in my personal context is that they must 'work' everyday of the week. For me I like my BY's schedule to fit into mine which can be rather erratic. And finally because they are on work permit, they cannot accompany me on my overseas travel if I so desire. (Bladdy company safekeep their passport!).

As an anecdote, I remembered that with QQ, I have to pay $1600 for two days to the joint* in order to take her off work. And on the second day was the onset of QQ's menses (da-yi-ma / yue-jing). $800 blow job!

(For those who want to save money, the MC trick does not really work as in entails massive inconvenience. In a fit of 'cheapo-ness', I ever tried the MC trick to get my mistress off work on the cheap. Learnt that most HFjoints accept only hospital MC (not even government polyclinic ones). In this case, despite not succeeding with the MC ruse, I do agree with the establishment rules on this. If so easy allow MC, sure open to abuse!)

Finally bro DYBJ, if you have sort of a hybraid mistress-gf going with a singer, you will sometimes need to accompany her to buy 'xiu' dresses. Bet you probably went shopping at CP for 'stage dresses' at some point! Can tell you which shops are good if you need to bring your singer BY/gf for stage dress shopping ....

Will jio you go Kabuki soon. Haven't been there since they renovated!
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."