Thread: Mistress
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Old 20-08-2009, 02:10 AM
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Re: Mistress

Excellent comments bro! (Particularly like the email style of point by point reply).

Like to state at the outset that I respect your preference to BY singers vis-a-vis normal KTV. It offers so many advantages as you so eloquantly pointed out in your earlier post. In fact, I would even venture to say that BY a singer is overall a better proposition.

Why I tend to shy away from singers is because their situation does not lend easily to what I want from my BY in terms of flexibilty of time (to accomodate mine).

Yeah, if timing clash, really no point liao, but then again, aren't all these bitches operating at the same timezone?????

For me there is one significant difference: a KTV gal can follow me home immediately half way during work or simply choosing not go to work at all without the need to incur hefty 买场 fees ($150 booking fee vs $800 买场). Do note that in the Havelock Road KTV, there is some penalty for KTV if they absent from work however.

All in all, a normal KTV gal generally has got more control of her time vis-a-vis a singer. This however may not be advantageous to you, but for my particular context & preference, it is an important consideration

......The opposite side of the coin is that a singer is also governed by the same constraint when it comes to seeing/entertaining me. I hate the notion of buying time for singers to accompany me as I don't want the entertainment establishment to earn this additional income from me. Afterall, I am already paying her equal to what she is drawing (monthly target of $6, 000 to $8, 000if I remember correctly).

Ah bro, this is where ur terms flaw....doesnt mean you BY xxx amount, that does not include 买场, nego from the start so such unfavourable times could be avoided

Guess I should have been clearer & more thorough in my elaboration. We all know that a singer's target is to achieve $6,000 in 'flower' sales in order for her to earn her basic salary that the company pays her - anything below this target, the company deducts from this target. We also know that to 买场 cost about $800 per nite.

When I proposed to QQ, my "allowance" to her is $6,000 per month. This includes the time when I take her for the nite, i.e. she doesn't work. 买场 money is to come out from this $6,000. To be fair to her, I set a maximum of four times per month (or about once weekly). Anything above that I 'top up'. I can actually squeeze more from her, but I did not want to do so.

Anyway, during the early throes of the relationship, when the novelty factor and desire is strongest, I called out at least three times a week. Hence the 'top up' is needed.

BTW, I only sparodically hang flowers, just a token $100 occasionally in QQ case!

.........I like my BY's schedule to fit into mine which can be rather erratic. And finally because they are on work permit, they cannot accompany me on my overseas travel if I so desire. (Bladdy company safekeep their passport!).

Wrong bro, you can tell the company that you're bringing her wif you to where ever for a fuck trip for how long, its actually very common. Guess you are pretty green in this area where singers r concerned

In my case, I already arranged for QQ to stay at my love nest rather than company's accomodation. The company gave me face by allowing QQ this arrangement. This subseuqently created a mini controversy as after QQ's precedent, several other singers also decide to strike out on her own. (Company provided accomodation is actually a friend of the boss, the establishment do earn/charge accomodation fees for the singers).

In addition, I also manage to take her out many times for 'quickies' without any fines due to my regular patronage at the establishment.

I don't know that I can bring a singer out for days on end without incurring a 买场 fee for everyday that she is absent from work. You are right, there are indeed several things that I still gotta learn from you here with regards to BY a singer! Any tips to share with this regard?

........ Learnt that most HFjoints accept only hospital MC (not even government polyclinic ones). In this case, despite not succeeding with the MC ruse, I do agree with the establishment rules on this. If so easy allow MC, sure open to abuse!)

Sorry, this kinda things i dun do one, other people know damn sia suay man

What to do... sometimes the scrooge / parsimonious feeling surfaces involuntarily! but mitigating factor is that this idea is mooted by QQ herself here. She feels that saving my money is as if saving her money. "As If" is the operative word here.

..... Bet you probably went shopping at CP for 'stage dresses' at some point!

Tks bro but believe it or not, i dun accompany them for anything, we only meet when i say so.
Totally back and call

I do indulge them. However, its always part of reward or as inducement for something I want. There is always strings attached. "My string!" (inuendo)

For the first time I bought QQ her two stage dress (which is cheaper than you think), I insisted & get bj in car as I drive all the way after her work to East Coast Park - with the requisite swallow. And then order her to bathe me Thai style when we get back at my Love Nest. Zhong Guo mei, despite my best training efforts, still lag behind the Thais (genetic?) in body massage baths I feel.

Also, sex act once done is taken for granted. Everytime I feel like public sex, I now expect & get it from QQ subsequently. More than the worth for the price of the stage dress & my time accompanying her in my persoal reckoning.

Will jio you go Kabuki soon. Haven't been there since they renovated!

Will do[/QUOTE]

Yup, must be done before Bro Warbird's departure. Sometime in Sep I believe?
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."