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Old 24-02-2004, 05:02 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hatyai OK

Originally posted by ccwet
Goodday all brudders,

Any update of hatyai since the outbreak of bird flu in some of the province.

Also understand the stock market for Thailand plunge yesterday. Have check out the exchange rate in Change Ally is $1=22.8baht.

Is it any better rate than yesterday...?

Also need update if I intended to drive up to hatyai from SIN how much ringit should I change and also any precautionary measure to take note when driving in hatyai.

Your help in this field is greatly appreciated

The total costs of road tolls from JB 1st toll to Bukit Kayu Hitam is RM95.50 each way with a slight variation depending on how you pass KL.

Petrol will depend on the car you drive. Assuming that you cross on a 3/4 tank, you will refuel as you pass KL probably at the "Jejantas" rest point as you pull out of KL and at the last fuel point before you enter Thailand (its on the opposite side of the road BP station - so you u-turn a little). Petrol is more expensive in Thailand than Malaysia. On your return, you refuel at the same Jejantas before KL and then in JB before returning to Sillypore.

All this means that you drive straight to Hatyai without diversions to other places in Malaysia. For my heavy consumption MPV, the total fuel cost was RM295 because I detoured to KL for meeting as well as to Penang for a night. Then, my car drinks! IF you are alone like me, its more expensive than flying !

Bird Flu or local muslims has not affected that part of Thailand although I was warned not to travel the Sadao highway from the border to Hatyai at night by some Malaysians to avoid possible bandits. In the day time, both ways, I saw nothing unusual nor did I feel threatened.

Exchange rate? I dunno because the amount I used did not warrant worrying too much about rates. I know the travel agents there give very decent rates when you need to change!