She prefers to be called Jackie... and she has just given me about the
best sex I had for a long time....
I had been away from this stable for a while and its good to be be back to see the favorites coming back. Posha, Faith and now Ethel....
She just woke up from her slumber as I entered the room.... complaining that she has very little customers today.... I was in wonder... this is a
very pretty girl... very slim... but the way she carried herself had a sexiness in her.
I don't understand why this girl is not fully booked everyday.... when I get the physical closeness I need to be turned on.... when I get lip service on the face, body and groin areas that drives me to craziness that I just wanna fuck her silly... the warm contact and that closeness that just generates sexual heat and tension was almost unbearable... and when the fucking began and when I finally am able to bring that pleasure up notches to the final end... the temporary relief of that tension just became a yearning for more... a lust so strong which I haven't felt for a long long time.... the removal of the condom after the 1st shot was just the beginning of the insatiable love making scene... the stroking of that body... the
wet kisses just continued from there... I could not stop being away physically ... I wanted to feel her as much as possible... to take in that scent.... to taste those lips... to lick those erect nipples... to
suck the juices from her pussy.....
and she participated in this dance as gracefully and sexily as she could... and its unbearable to me....
90 minute fuck non stop with pauses to take off filled condom is the summary...
you all are missing a gem if you haven't booked her yet....
I have just reserved another slot and an overnite is on the cards if she lets me ....
Thanks Pierce... you are getting to know what I like now... keke....