I can answer 3 of your 4 questions, check for yourself if you think my recommendation is ok :
- any recomendations on hotel to stay
Last trip I stayed in this hotel, quite good, big, quiet and cosy : 东莞波尔顿华禧酒店 (Bolton Hotel)
- sauna which one should i go ?
I have been to 3 sauna in CA, still think JinZhiZun 金至尊 is the best in term of quality of service and stocks, you can check my previous post for contact if you want.
- for DFML any contacts frm bro ???
Get to know this "daddy", very funny young guy that provide good service, his name is ZhangQiang 张强, Tel : 137.1232.2900, tell him you are introduced by Mr. Zhang from Singapore.
Enjoy and have fun, remember to post some FRs after return !