Originally Posted by aLeGrIa
Just realised that there is this "Uncle Kelvin Tay" that deducted my points.
I hope you can find out before you accuse me of things that I did not do.
Who said that I am not going to be paying for the gal's time? Who are you to be a moral police here going around deducting other's points? If you want to be moral, don't join this forum... also, have the guts to put your real nick here... what Uncle Kelvin Tay.
tsk tsk...
This guy has no balls lah, he did the same but call himself uncle chris chiam. By the way, eh hello, i think my engrish more powderful than yours lah, mr chris 'suck my cock' chiam, your message si bei many spelling mistake lah. hahaha
Just because you have to pay to get laid but other people can get ONS you not happy? Go get yourself a good plastic surgeon lah, den the pussy in this world will be free for you. KNN, zap me then can kpkb say dun get free f**k....