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Old 23-05-2004, 02:08 AM
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Re: Part-Timers At Xin Tian Di KTV?? (XTD)

Originally Posted by yellowdancer
Hi, I met a part-timer girl at a joint near XTD and got to know her name and heard she is working at XTD. She looks quite nice but rather slim. Lacks in the boobs area. Heard her working name is Edon. Anyone heard of her?

Will like to know from KEFOS about XTD. Heard a pretty bad FR on XTD in the last thread. However, I go down the area quite often and really saw many many customers going in. Got a customer even told me someone called Karen was nice and playable in XTD.

What are the damages like? Will like to go and do a recce if anyone could tell me whether the girls are paid in tips or hourly rate (damages). Thanks.
There are a lot of part timers working there actually and some of them are actually from BOSS KTV like a girl by the name of Rain. I would like to recommand Xiao Wei and her number should be 845... go check it out and she singing is superb.