Originally Posted by Xgenre
Great post. Lots to discuss and issues to delve deeper into. (no pun intended... ya right...) Well, obviously you don't have a physical problem, unlike some ladies who can't even achieve an orgasm. You may have a psychological problem though.
Has this issue ever disrupted your life in a destructive way? You know, you are late and rushing for time but because of your high sex drive, you got to orgasm first. Thus you are later than ever before. You mentioned you get wet looking at attractive ladies (hoping you are as attractive as them so that your bf will want you more). How about attractive men? Ever slept with 1 just because you think he may be a great fuck, only to end up with regret because you really love your bf and your high sex drive has caused you to betray your love? Etc. If you have such incidences, you may have a sex addiction problem. You may need professional help to regain control of your life.
What is it about an orgasm that keeps you returning for so much more than usual? A lot of us love how it makes our bodies feel more relaxed. When a guy sleeps with many women, the orgasms he experiences, besides making him more relaxed, can also represent an extra ego boost. He feels skillful/attractive. Esp so in cases of unattractive men who keep succeeding in bedding attractive women. The desire for orgasm may be really a desire to continually boost his ego. You ask such guys to DIY only, they will find it unsatisfactory. Some people like to make love in public. Why go through the risks of being peeped all just for an orgasm right? Well, these people may want others to look at them. The real 'orgasm' could be the satisfaction that you can control the urges and desires of the people peeping at you. What does an orgasm mean for you? A need to feel attractive, to be wanted?
If you feel positively in control of your sex drive and will only release it in non-destructive manners (DIY or with bf only), then maybe you need variations in acheiving orgasm to make up for your bf's lower sex drive. I read your other posts. Seems you like it when your bf finds you attractive and irresistible. Especially so when he does something totally unexpected. Why not develop this angle further? Go buy a remote control vibrator. Use it when you are out in the streets with your bf. Let him hold the control and surprise you. Your role is to try to look normal on the outside while shopping like a normal couple in Orchard Road... How does this idea sound to you?
Hope my post makes sense. If you want more ideas, I can share them later.
Hhaha. No darling, I do not get wet looking at sexy women. I just have those sexual vibes running though my body for a few seconds and it ends there. If I got wet just by looking at other girls in short skirts, I think something is VERY wrong with me then. haha.
I like what you said about orgasm. I guess its the whole process of being satisfied and feeling good about one own self.
If you feel positively in control of your sex drive and will only release it in non-destructive manners (DIY or with bf only), then maybe you need variations in acheiving orgasm to make up for your bf's lower sex drive. I read your other posts. Seems you like it when your bf finds you attractive and irresistible. Especially so when he does something totally unexpected. Why not develop this angle further? Go buy a remote control vibrator. Use it when you are out in the streets with your bf. Let him hold the control and surprise you. Your role is to try to look normal on the outside while shopping like a normal couple in Orchard Road... How does this idea sound to you? - THIS, is really interesting. Yes, It really turns me on when my own lover finds me attractiv and irresistible and does something unexpected. I like surprises. But he doesn't and def not into such things. Atleast not. Perhaps I should talk to him about it. He doesn't exactly like talking about sex, atleast not when we are not doing it, during sex is fine.
Thanks for your suggestions. Its pretty interesting

What other ideas to you share then?