Indian guy / girl wanted by Oz girl.
Always wanted an Indian guy / girl. (When I mean Indian - I mean from sub continent region - ie India, Sri lanka, Pakistan, Bangledesh etc etc)
I am a tall thin sexy Australian (175 cm, 55 kg) visiting Singapore with my male Australian friend.
We play together - no exceptions. *** Read this line carefully ***
I am bi and like to be the centre of attention.
If your Indian girl let us know, if you would like to play.
If you Indian guy, you need to bring an Indian girl and a second girl (any nationality). As said I like to be centre of attention ! When my friend playing with one of your female friends I want you and the other girl playing with me.
(If you do not have second girl you can message me, but you will rank below those who can satisfy above requirement)
If you are fat - do not reply, if you are ugly - do not reply, if you are a pro - do not reply, if you take drugs - do not apply, if you are diseased - do not apply.
If your not Indian male and you feel offended - sorry that my preference.
If your not Indian female, please contact me as I would like to meet. It is rather hard to write a post with every requirment, and honestly I think 99% of people on this forum are probably males !
If you think I am exacting - I am only going to be in Singapore for a few days and don't have time to deal with endless emails and fakes.
Take care and lets have some fun.