Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Originally Posted by pc5526
Peter T? Probably in Phillipines... Ya man, good old days! Missing pannties and underwear.... cake fight with champagne spray (not enough champagne use 7-up)... Bro A's girl givng Bro B a BJ and than went back to french Bro A!!!
Damn! Those were the days! But now I think the KTVs have tone down already. But I'm sure we can make miracles happen. Even Crown Prince KTV we can strip the AMs! Hahahaaaa  So anything is possible!!!
Yeah loh....BJ in KTV room, you dont see that anymore....and remember NYer doing his girl right in front all of us in Shatou KTV....with more that 20 pairs of eyes looking...hahaha......