Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy
...... What is is exactly that you do for a living and what is your status in SG society? When did you immigrate to SG from your country?
What is
(only 1 "is" , please don't get too emotional with a double "is is") exactly wrong with you? I have enjoyed some of your previous posting (I still do in other section) but it all went down hill after your High Class Maid thread
You were calling Bro SBY
Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy
Shut up your fucking ape from Indonesia. All you life you fuck whores instead of getting a real life. Then you annoy people on the board. G
and he was just extending his courtesy back to you by calling you an Ape.
I really don't think you are an Ape cos though Ape genius reveals depth of animal intelligence but there isn't ONE who could type as fluent as your racist remarks and selling real estate instead of bananas.
So, please take a chill pill unless you are really an Ape in Human Skin and if so, when did you immigrate to SG from your forest? (Just kidding, Just kidding)
Everyone in this forum could be real bros in real life outside this forum. You never know ....I really hope 1-day I could bring you out to commercial world for a drink with Bro SBY