Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy
If the OP is concerned about contracting genital Herpes, then she should be directed to a doctor. It is not proper of us to discourage one from seeking medical attention nor to discourage clean hygine and safe sex. That would be against the desires of SG society and not in the spirit of SG helping other SG.
Let me get this straight. Firstly, had he actually had a BBBJ or FJ, then yes I would advise him to go see a doc. He only had a HJ. To see a doc over this is ridiculous. It's like going to A&E because you had a leg cramp.
Secondly, who are you to talk about what's against Sg society ?You claim to go around having illicit sexual relationships with "high class maids" and still want to tell us about the goals/desires of SG society ? Is this fucking hypocritical or what ?