Re: How Can I tell Her
Results for CNY Gathering on 5/2/2011
16, 25, 43, 91, 38, 9, 74, 83, 7 , 88, 53, 23
For those above who are selected, please pm me for more details by 2/2/11.
I assured that there will be another gathering if this one goes smoothly.
Dos and dont.
Please do not drive (we are drinking hard liquor)
Do not take photo(privacy for all)
Control your drinking limit (i hate to look after drunkard)
Sexual harrassment to the ladies is not allowed
Contribution to the drinks are most welcome..kekeke(i dont want the ladies to pay)
This gathering is strictly to get to know each other, share our experiences in it business or topic relationship.
Ladies will be notified on seperate PM.
Cheers !