Re: priligy
Hi all out there looking for some miracle to cure the PE problem,
At last I got something really works for me. I have this problem for so long that i cant remember for how long... all my timings are in the range of near 0 to 3 mins varying from 5 to 50 strokes. Tried all the so called teckniks but none really improved the situation. Numb sprays cds are usesless as you wont know where yr thing is after numb, still 3 mins max. then found this cream in super markets - vitroman - very good to improve the blood circulation to the little boy and made it bigger longer and strong. but the time never gone beyon 3 mins. Anyway this removed the less than 1 min from my records. i am still using it once a week to massage it.
Then now I heared about this tablet Priligy and read a lot on it. To my surprise, all docs now saying the PE can be a birth difficiency and none of the tecknics will work for that. Actually it is due some missing chemical in body or less presence of that substance. So all these technics and dreaming renoldo goal while yr goal is going in drain et etc what a waste all these years...
Went to the doc and he promptly issued the Priligy after check up. After all the hesitation, fear of side effects, finally decided to put it to test. Taken it at 6 pm with plenty of water. dinner at 8 then testing at 9.30. Wow wow. I cant beleive myself. dit it in 3 postures and lasted for abt 7 full minutes. It works and works perfectly. No side effect till now. The only concern is the cost - approx 23 per tablet 30g. Hope that will drop down with time.