Originally Posted by sickduck
A couple of years back, i visited this massage place in town and was served by this syt from prc. Superb massage skills and great gfe and wonderful hj skills, but she only provide hj and body massage. not even bj.
But the experience is so good that i have been visiting her for the past couple of years on and off, once a month at least.
and during this period, have been trying to get her to go to hotel for the full package but have always been turned down. but by and by, she'd ask me to join her for drinks after work, or ask me go pick her up and go chiong, which i never did, coz i always think shes just out to carrot me, having heard so many stories.
And the breakthrough came after 1 year plus when i called her to check if she working. Shes not, and i suggested go hotel in that case ok? and surprisingly, shes ok. Checked in, usual stuff, massage, hj go off. didnt try to do anything, partly also coz i didnt bring any condom. and she keep asking me to buy her gucci bag, which turns me off.
then a few more times after visiting the shop, i asked her again if hotel is ok, and this time i brought condoms, and i teased her til she asks if i brought condoms, and we completed the act. then she said "cant believe that after so long, we are finally together".
a couple of weeks later, i went to her shop and this time, we had sex in the shop itself, which is something that she never allowed coz of the raids and all, and i said i didnt bring much money, so she just took what i have on me and said "its ok, since we're lovers, i also not so calculative"
a few days after that however, she sms me "Where are you", which is something she never did.
ok, i'm in no illusion that she is in love with me. Coz she doesnt even know my name, knows nothing about me, except for my phone number, which is a prepaid card. She charges me for the sex, so i know its still business. she never sms me unless i ask her if shes working, and we have never met outside for anything else.
what i'm worried is, if i continue to visit her, she will bank on the fact that she allowed sex only because she thought we're together blah blah and demand more things from me. Of coz i wont give, but worried that she'll make a big fuss and eventually try to create havoc in my personal life. Coz its true to a certain extent that normally she only provide hj, and only in the shop. ( I tested her claims with a friend of mine)
What i plan to do is to just reply her, keep on visiting her til she becomes unbearable and then cut my sim card. My question is, to what extent can she go to track me down with the prepaid sim card?assuming i never gave my real name, or any details. i'm thinking worst case scenario where i mess it up and offend her or sth.
any bros experience before a wl comes into your personal life and wreak havoc when u get too close to her?