Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
have a long overdue FR to share from my recent trip
will start with the first 2 days first. the other 2 days to come as soon i find the time. happy reading
Day 1 (6/11)
arrived at Babylon (Park Hyatt's new name) shortly after 5pm via private transport from Luohu. a quick shower and off we were to DFML for a wild party. 5 of us in total. had a newbie in the group who preferred just to sit one girl in his own quiet corner. the other 4 of us took sat 6 girls in total, including a model CAT. the rest were all so disappointed when she came back in after removing her bra. she was so deflated. my fren even commented later on that she looked paiseh herself when she came back. made it clear to them from the start that we would be bringing back whoever gave us the best feeling. started off with some group games to build up the atmosphere before progressing to the usual drinking games. had the usual share of kissing and groping games too. this is what draws my group to DFML. really fun and entertaining. but all the bros must be of the right mindset too. just as the naked dance party started, the girls suddenly 'raped' me. don't know why they have this consensus to get me naked also. went along with them as i didn't want to be a wet blanket. we are there to have fun after all. not wanting to be alone, i got them to strip the others. but they only managed to get 1 other bro. the rest just didn't want to give in. ended our party ard 1am and proceeded to have claypot porridge opp DFML, where i ran into nohairsam. dmg for drinks was 1600 (red wine package and 1 dozen beer). dj tips 200.
all of us brought a girl back. as usual, DFML girls are good. had a satisfying time back in the room.
would have gladly kept her all the way till noon but she had so many missed calls from her jie mei when she checked her phone that I decided to release her after the first shot.
satisfaction: 4/5
Day 2 (7/11)
with kent_do in tow, we went to 金四海 in the afternoon. reached there close to 3 in the afternoon. selection was so-so as most sauna girls in CA start their shift in the late afternoon or early evening. wanted to get a trainee to go along along with the senior girl but they didn't have any. so we settled for an exchange of girls among ourselves after the first shot at no extra charge (still 2 shots afterall). the gal i chose was quite good. pretty. decent boob size. rather pro-active. and just before she went off for a change of partner, she warned me that the next gal coming in was the super horny and wild type. turned out to be damn true. alas, she's not really my type. it was also a turn off when she came in smelling of ciggies. didn't manage to get into the mood to fire off the second shot. think dmg was ard 600
satistaction: 4/5
ktv action at night was @ Oscar. selection of girls was not good. each of us only sat one girl. one of my friend even had to stand outside their holding room for quite a while before he managed to select one. sad to say, was quite a disappointing night. fun factor was not there. we were prob more interested in playing with the mummy than the girls. the guys were asking to leave ard 11 odd. dmg ard 1000 odd for a red wine package package. dj tips 200 as usual
went for an energy boosting supper after that with the girls and their mummy.
girl was pretty ok in the room but had no feel so also released her after the first shot
satisfaction: 3/5