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Old 27-11-2011, 10:40 PM
ice meltg ice meltg is offline
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Sirdaniel View Post
Day 3 (8/11) DFJH
mummy came to get the naked dance started later on. but didn't have any games like DFML. mood was also lacking as half the girls did not seem comfortable at all during the dance, unlike DFML. my overall impression is that DFJH has a better selection of girls but still loses out to DFML when it comes to the fun factor.
anyone can verify?

could not quite decide which girl to bring back initially. first choice was a very pretty syt who showed interest in me. but i was itching to try something new and go for a very shy mm. she was a little reluctant at first but finally agreed after some coaxing. so i brought back the shy mm. turned out to be a very bad choice. she required A LOT of coaxing from me in bed. not that she didn't know what to do, but she just needed to be told before she would do it. its like she just has no initiative. sent her back after the first shot since it was more of a torture for me than enjoyment. up till now, i still cannot forget her reaction after i paid her. it was just classic. she simply stuffed the money into her bag without counting and ran for the door. she hurriedly check the hallway to make sure it was clear and literally scooted off. and she did all these w/o turning back to take a last glance at me
satisfaction: 2.5/5
Thks Bro, for yr 4D FRs, Glad to know tat u enjoy yrself in DFML, Gd FRs r hard to come by these days & more often than not, its nvr appreciated !! u deserved to rec some pts, not tat those pts mean anything or can be exchanged for monetary rewards but rather its an encouragement to acknowledge the person effort & time, & most important, yr willingness to share !!! I realised tat FRs r seldom endorsed these days, but do hope tat these situation can be reversed, otherwise, beri soon, readg SBF threads will bcome meaningless.................some threads hv literally became some individuals FaceBook postgs !! As compared, there r many more other forums tat r more informative & worth readg !!!

Haha, Bro, I do agree with u tat DFML gals r more wild, aggressive & playful as compared to DFJH gals !!! even though I hv failed to bring back any gals from DFML for the last 3 consecutive times namely in Jun, Sep, Nov 2011 !! I missed those days in DFML in the past where their gals quantity & quality were excellent !! With their game, the gals wildness & playfulness, & the correct combination of the crowd (beri impt must be like minded bros, all must be willing to play) the nites can be wonderful & most memorable !!! I believed many senior bros would agree with me !!! sigh .......... 往事只能回味 !! But DFML gals quantity & quality hv since went down hill after their forced closure eversince March 2011 (taking reference for this year only) & hv nvr recover !! Quality & quantity r slightly better this Nov as compared to Sep but its still far away from the past !!

DFJH on the other hand hv absorbed a large qty of DFML gals eversince DFML forced closure & their qty & quality hv reached a peak in June 2011 but since then, it have also deteriorated.............standard as seen a week ago is only slightly better than DFML, but really nothing to shout about liao !!!
Talking about their half naked dance, I think u would probably get sicked of it after 3 consecutive nites bcos its so routine & monotonous, same thing repeating itself !! It just lack tat 互動 !!! Haha, DFML is no better, when it came to the game sessions, I think I can conduct on their behalf...........nothing new, its the same game tat repeat itself !!! same set of game from Feb till now Only this Nov trip, I get to c some new ideas...................probably after my many complains As such, overall, I still rated DFML better when come to game & reciprocation (互動) !!! But allow me to qualify, it also highly dependent on yr luck !!! I do remember I ever have a gal from DFJH who was superb, we nvr stopped frenching & heavy petting in the ktv at one private corner whereas Bro Neverlandf was at the other corner drinking with my fren !! Tat gal was awesome on bed too, fighting with me all nite long till next day with only an hour sleep in between ............I nearly dropped dead bcos I hv already 'fired' 2 shots in SN earlier tat day & hv gone w/o sleep for the past 48 hrs due to the early morning flight................唉 !! 往事只能回味, 奈何 !!!

Pl do not flame me if u shared different opinions bcos these r just my humble 2 cents, 如有冒犯,請大家多多包涵,見量 !!!

Haha, Bro, its nice of u to check out smaller joints but Oscar really CMI now !! Dun think its a strip ktv now, need yr verification pls..................... Dun think SOS can make it either, its too run down, worse than Amazon probably...........ppl in Taikor Adidas league, pl avoid Any bros hv the latest update on these joints ???

However, nvr look down on those smaller joints in CA, u may be surprised with yr findings !!! Haha, I was supposed to show Bro XXHF & fren something different but alas, they lose their patience with CA & decide to adjourne to CP after a mere 2 days trip.................... So Bros, dun be afraid to venture those smaller joints, u may hv surprises !!!

Originally Posted by Sirdaniel View Post
haha. next time dun take those unwilling ones already.
check out the last part of my FR i just posted

can't agree more.
CA is a place for fun seekers
if not adventurous enough, better off staying in CP
Haha, Bro, nvr nvr brg back those unwilling ones, u will def regret, most often than not, they will be 'dead fishes'........................

Just for the benefit of those new to CA scene, if yr priority r looks, I suggest u hv to try CP where ktvs there hv quantity & quality, but the risk of getting a dead fish is beri beri high !!! I quote wat some bros told me, if u can get a gal in CP to do BBBJ voluntary, its like striking TOTO !!! But CP hv flower streets, its a magnificient scene for newbies........... a must to experience for newcomers !! but its beri stressful to walk flower street in CP, & also beri rush & stressful having to get to some KTV ard 530pm just to hv a first hand pick ~ those Kiasu acts !! Tats something I hate most, having to rush thru yr afternoon activities & probably skip dinner...........we r there to de-stress but end up more stressed.................. But if u r beri used to CP facilities, then CA is def not tat place u r looking for, bcos travelling distance, time & cost between one place to another can easily take up to 20mins & cost RMB40 !! Hence, u can spend RMB200-300 just on cab fare for a few days stay !! CP town is so much smaller than CA, hence, all joints r in close proximity but in CA, all joints r scattered, so travelling distance can be a hassle for those already spoilt by CP facilities !!!

However, if u r looking for service & fun, CA is the place u must visit !! U will def not be disappointed !! But of cos, u must be adventurous, wild & 'naughty' & most impt u must party with like minded bros, all must be comfortable with one another !! if yr group comprises some wild & some conservative, then rest assured it will spoil yr nite !!

My apologies for being lengthy.............just my humble opinion, hope the above helps !! Thanks for yr time reading !!! Cheers !!!
红灯绿酒夜,围炉消寒天,谈情说爱乐无边,谈情说爱乐无边, 清歌飘渺,腻舞翩翩, 快乐快乐比神仙 。 莫管熏烟笼半壁, 且听弦管闹声喧。等到天明鸡报晓,万事化云烟 ,万事化云烟。。。。。

水之涓滴, 沙之细粒, 造成汪洋及愉快的大地。。。。。
仁之小惠, 爱之微语, 足使人间快乐如天堂。。。。。

Last edited by ice meltg; 27-11-2011 at 11:08 PM.