Originally Posted by Johnston
nice post but in actuality if you want to say US Standard , they go by inches, foot,miles , pounds etc so very rarely in singapore some chick who is describing her tit size using OTHER STANDARD gets disbelieving comment from people using SINGAPORE STANDARD
In fact, your Standard got check or not first....
See hor, if you buy a size 75 bra online but when the delivered item is not fit your STANDARD idea of size 75 but instead is your idea of 34 , means you fail your international STANDARD....
Just for your S TANDARD knowing, we in singapore follow Internation al Standard so we like 36C . not 80C
Get your S TANDARDS right before you come yelling about STAND ARD.
Oh sorry were you saying "Okt overhype their product size?" sorrie... i no STANDARD... i better get up to US STANDARD now/
Yeah im being a prick. 
Thank you for your helpful comments, unlike some people that just zapped me with the comments disagree with you.
I am not here to impose on anyone, just stating my opinion.
So sad to get zapped for sharing.
Bro Johnston, thank you for your insight.