*raises eyebrow - it depends completely on which department you are working in, for example if you are working housekeeping, damn right you wont be getting two tons of hot chics flowing through your dept in a regular basis...
about the same for engineering/maint dept of course... dont see too many babes dressing in coveralls and tooling up...
keeping it within your own department: the ones with the highest amounts of gals would be front office, sales/mktg, and the banquet dpt with its VERY high turnover of operating staff (almost complete renewal every few years)
One deep caution: "
one of the perks of working in Hotel industry is plenty of chances for ONS inside hotel rooms FOC with female colleagues or staffs", this is completely possible if you are well connect enough (either you or her) but bear in mind "dont shit where you eat" .......... as one or two complain to HR and you can eat fried oil fish.....