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Old 23-02-2012, 05:23 PM
robertchua robertchua is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by divinewind View Post
I haven't had a session with Minky before, despite several very polite emails, and she did reply, teasing about sessions but never want to commit. Yes I know they are Mistresses and deserve "her right of way", but I would have greater respect for her if she hadn't even reply at all in the first place. Why give hopes of a session when she is really not interested? If they are foreign Mistresses in fact I won't feel as disappointed. But the fact that they are locals and I specifically say I want to support the local scene, but Minky wasn't supportive of local guys. I do not know how she selects your subs, but fundamentally to give false hopes is not right.
Bro divinewind, I do not think that Mistress Minky will tease you, or anyone for that matter, as far as arranging sessions are concerned. We have to be mindful that most local dominatrix, Mistress Minky included, have a day job and thus, it is not possible that the timings of both the client and the dominatrix coincide perfectly.

Just to share, I have been trying in vain to arrange a session with Miss Kitty but due to her last minute work commitment, our session could not materialize. But that does not mean I will stop trying. I just need to find a better timing, that's all.