Re: Advise Needed for a HeartBroken Man
Here's some objective facts to help you reflect on your experience and decide what to do next...
Humans tend to exhibit non-monogamous behaviour. This applies to males, as well as to females, assuming that there are no legal or social penalties to do so. So essentially, what happened to you is not really atypical. You were attracted to someone other than your spouse. Now your girlfriend is also exhibiting the same behaviour.
You may not want to repeat your earlier mistake of divorcing your wife because you had a new love interest. Now that your new love interest has a new love interest, you should probably clarify whether she also still loves you. It is very possible for one person to love more than person -- this happens all the time.
Depending on how much you treasure your new relationship, you may or may not want to break it, if she should answer that she still loves you. (If she says she doesn't love you anymore, you should probably call it quits.)
The usual (but in my mind mistaken) impulse is to want to possess someone exclusively. Such an impulse has led to many unnecessary breakups and divorces. You need to remind yourself that non-monogamous behaviour is actually natural. This is what we know from science, and also from your experience.
I know that what I said is different from what most people will tell you. This is because most people are ruled by their emotions and are not well-informed about what science has discovered concerning these issues.
Good luck.