Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh
u mean the 30 rmb auntie....I saw the alleys on my way to JL today.
Taikor, I was referring to the food place he brought me to...
6 rmb for at the largest plate of noodles I've seen...
Cheap.... But in terms of hygiene, must eat w care man...
Originally Posted by Ruff
Nope, its the same regular MM's, but when they are not on duty/off work, so very girl next door look, without makeup or even in their pjs, hee hee
Yea. There were a few good ones... Mostly baoed I guess...
Yes. I'm coming down soon...
Originally Posted by arpeggi
Thanks for the info.
I thought the princess category for 沐足 is usually 90rmb and above? 
I miss going chaperone w u la... Heh....
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's learning to dance in the rain.