Originally Posted by kiatwong
hi i just wish to have some advise currently i just join a sub company of Singapore technologies electronic as a technician but after i go in i realist that the job are very boring n the job skill i learn are really use less as it all military equipment not related to private company, now i have a offer from Siemens medical in the biomedical industry they offer me a position as a production technician which offer better pay and benefit and better career prospect but in my mind Singapore technologies electronic offer a more stable job compare to Siemens medical so if it you guy which would u choice a better prospect or better stability? Government job or private sector job?
Hi TS, nothing is perfect and i think almost 0% to get some job which have the best of both world. Some job may be mid range income but very stable while others may have higher income and not very stable... Ask yourself what you wants and what you are looking in life. What you studies might not help you when you are out there working ... Thats why revelant working experiences count...
Is like when you see your manager seating in his room drawing high salary, but if anything happens, they will be the very first person to get hit by the fire...