I have no problems with the overall impact of the reputation system. In fact, it has made managing this forum a lot easier and you are absolutely right that it establishes a sort of "credibility" rating of the people who congregate here.
However, what annoys me is the number of members who PM me demanding to know WHO deducted ONE point from their score and WHY they did so?
More often than not, these members have reputation points coming out their ears.... they have hundreds of points... helleva lot more than I have and yet they can't bear the thought of losing one or two points without "justification".
If your score was 421 and it becomes 417, nobody else will even notice the change, let alone bother about it. Wait a few hours and the score will probably be back to what it was so what's the fuss about????
This is what I mean when I say reputation points are being taken far too seriously by many.
As for the additional traffic created by the links exchange, you have to realise that link exchanges attract people who are looking for freebies... people who hunt down freebies are not the sort who are going to whip out their credit cards and contribute to the revenue generating programs of this forum.

In webmaster speak, it's referred to as traffic which does not convert (meaning it sucks up more $$ than it contributes). Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by perrymason32
Dear boss sammyboyfor:
I do agree that some members have gone overboard in their quest for rep points. But essentially, there is really no harm in it as far as I can see right now.