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Old 03-07-2012, 02:11 AM
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Suharto Suharto is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

The whole point system makes the entire site look cheap, many people
accumulate "war chests" and up their own reps via their own clones. Many
people have already gamed the system (the boss may not admit it), but this
is a for profit site, if the site becomes uninteresting, then it just dissapears
overtime from the internet.

Instead an infraction system should replace it, it would make more sense or
else it just gives the site childish "look and feel" where everyone zaps for
stupid reasons (see the previous posts).

Some people have even approached me to sell their power accounts
for "cash", so those zappers that zap also never escape as well, but after a
while i just get tired of zapping via clones as it becomes "stupid" and it just
feels childish because i rather spend time doing other things then spending
my weekend planning who to zap and which of my clones to add rep to.

The entire reputation system should be rehauled and a system setup where
the moderator decides who to ban or unban, not decided on some loser
because he cannot get laid and can only come to this forum to accumulate
points. It should be like other forums where seniority should be based on the
posts/join date.

This is a personal opinion i hope you guys take a clear view of as internet
traffic is important and any alienation of a certain segment of the traffic can
cause loss of revenue. Making the stats look good (via people creating
clones) makes no sense as end of the day if posters cannot get the answers
or attention they need they will go somewhere else and as the internet has
no borders this is an easy thing to do.

Selamat malam daripada Jakarta Raya, Indonesia