I can understand and I accept FLs appearing under another name. This happens when the FL goes to another website to advertise her services. Usually this also means an increase in the price of her services; presumably encouraged by the owner of the new website that the change in name and price would mean better business.
You will know it's the same old FL if she still use the old contact number.
I always ask the FL if she's gone by another name previously and tell her that if I meet her and discover that I've used her services before, I shall just turn around and leave.
Personally I feel that website okts and threadstarter okts should be honest and fair and state the fact that the FL is "recycled". A few threadstarter okts do this ie they state that the FL is "recycled" either from another okt, thread or website shop, and I really admire them for their honesty and hence I do most of my "shopping" from their threads and websites.
That's why there is a great need for a thread in SBF for Unfavourable Field Reports" by cheongsters. That's one way to suppress irresponsible advertising. Just stating Buyers Beware is not helpful for its clients and website visitors, and is a poor Cop-out.
Originally Posted by singmarine
I also noticed several photos are faked or recycled. E.g in a certain website or thread, the photo appears again under another name. The advantage of cutting or censored the faces makes it easier to recycle the photo. To respect individuals, I will not name those websites or threads but the OKTs should know.