Originally Posted by DolceD
seems like there are alot of so called "fake FRs" as well as inconsistency in standards among FLs and such
Fake FR or not, there's no clear cut criteria to determine.
As some bros had put it: if the FL / sexsion is not worth writing or putting up with a FR, they will not bother to do so.
Even if the sexsion is really THAT good, FRs being put up will still be branded / termed as fake FR by some.
Originally Posted by DolceD
Would like to know if there are still any "trustable" OKT around
Trustable OKT? Just one or a few bad eggs in his stable will spoilt the OKT's good reputation. Bros tend to just remember the bad thing(s), all the previously good thing(s) all forgotten.
Originally Posted by WithoutEuu
IMHO, FR will always be a FR as long as there is human involved, biasness and favoritism will occur. Whatever i deem that is good might not be good enough for you or too good for you.
Exactly, as the saying goes: one man's meat may be another man's poison.