Very good points!
I must remember, and not get excited by the sexy faces, boobs, bodies, poses, etc.
Thanks man.
Originally Posted by scopare
is it true that many photo are studio shot or photoshopped? i notice the girls are all flawless but when engaged, they are either pimpled, tattoo, or sagging.
few lessons that i learnt the hard way..
a. if the photo is taken with the face looking down, (avoiding the cam) chances are the girl is not as pretty as you think.
b. if the girl only have facial shot, chances are the body mostly cannot make it.
c. censored face mostly chui
d. if someone say look 7, try to search his fr on other girl until you find one with proper pic then you will know his standard of 7. because one man 7 may be anothers' 3