Originally Posted by nakamara
unless she wants to go girls home herself if it's consensual statutory rape la...she can be charged too but of cuz will not be as jia lat than me la haha
Brudder here in singapore the gals are always considered the victim, the weaker sex...man always comes out the loser in the end...just take any gal, cry rape, the man has his pic splatter all over national papers as if he is already guilty...then what happens if she is only crying wolf, just a small little column...any word of apology from this fucking so call moralistic reporters bastard to the framed guy...no...so u think she will be charged too...better think again...not unless her parents request for it themselve for her to be thrown into girls home...u remember this case of the underage gal who reported many guys in for sex with them even thou she consented to it...wat happen to her...the law protected her...those guys got their ass whopped in prisoner and faces and name splatted all over the papers....is she so innocent..she lured this guys in...