Originally Posted by BMW69
ho ho ho. That's good. Don't forget about the story when you're there. Alternatively you could get a VPN xD
well I am in the process of recommending a VPN for my company, since we have several overseas branches. It will definitely help me alot
Originally Posted by andythai
will wait patiently for your updates bro 
One more post in the Changi Airport T2 transit area before I fly off
A white-coloured Toyota Alphard MPV parked next to us sounded its horns a couple of time in quick successions, and I was snapped out of my erotic thoughts. I shot a stare at the driver for breaking in and thought to myself
I stole a quick glance at the front of my pants, and it was rather visible that I was having a near full erection from my imagination earlier. Look back at Maria, her vision started wander around the area, scanning from left to right, right to left, seems to me she was looking for something. But what was she looking for?
“What are we looking for Maria?” I asked.
“Ahmad… Jon…” Maria replied, still looking around for that person.
“Errmmmm… Who’s Ahmad?” I asked again.
“Ahmad is our chauffeur…” Maria responded. We stopped in the middle of the Hallway quite near where the KFC restaurant was and she let go of my hand, took out her iPhone 4S and began dialing a long list of numbers. Standing next to her, I could hear the person picked up the call immediately after just 1-2 rings and Maria started to speak in a long chain of incomprehensible language. She sounded a little bit pissed off from the tone of her voice, even though I could not understand a single word she said. As the conversation carried on, Maria started to look to her left and look to her right. I guessed she must be trying to locate where Ahmad was.
“Are you trying to locate Ahmad?” I asked her, trying to confirm her actions. She nodded in response.
“Let’s walk over there…” Maria pointed to an empty berth next to two black-coloured Mercedes Benz, and on their roofs marked with letters imprinted in gold colour: GOLDEN BIRD. “Ahmad will be driving the vehicle here.” Maria added. I nodded in acknowledgement as we walked over to the spot she pointed.
A quick glance at my Baume & Mercier again, the hands read 10:30am [Singapore Timing]. I decided to wind the timing one hour back to be in-sync with the local Jakarta timing, so that I do not have any time lapse or any confusion with the timing through my five days here. As we stood there next to the waiting and alighting berth, I began to wander my eyes around the area. At 9:30am in Jakarta, the Sun was already high up in the sky, nearing the top. Looking up into the sky, there were a few fluffy clouds drifting around but they offered us little shield from the Sun as its furious flames were in full blast and luckily we were under the shades.
The huge SAMSUNG LED TV set, probably a 52 incher, hanging on the side of the wall, was flashing flight information and on the right hand corner, it showed the current temperature in Jakarta, 32 Degrees Celsius, and some other wordings below it, which were too small and incomprehensible from where I was standing. Like Singapore, it was equally hot. But the difference being Jakarta felt much less humid. Back in Singapore, I hate walking along the busy streets of Raffles Place or City Hall in the mid-day in my business suit. The immense heat, accompanied with the high humidity, would make me sweat almost instantaneously, even if you were standing under the shades… That is why, as much as I may, I will zoom around the city in my Z4 with the air-conditioning system at full blast.
A gust of wind blew through the arrival hall and came towards us. It was a rush of cool air, surprisingly, given the fact that the weather was scorching at that moment. It definitely made me more comfortable, as the moving air brushed across my face gently, taking away with it the prickling heat. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes momentarily. Despite all the vehicles surrounding me, the gust of wind had a slight earthy scent, quite different from Singapore, which usually reeks of tar, dust and silt.
(Unless you go to specific nature spots like MacRitichie Reservoir, HSBC Treetop trail etc) Perhaps I was a bit too greedy and took in too much air, my lungs were not used to the air quality in Jakarta, I coughed a couple of times and cleared my throat.
A shiny, black-coloured Toyota Vellfire MPV pulled into the empty berth and stopped in front of us. The driver seemed to have done some modifications to the vehicle because it looked very different from those Vellfire I have seen on Singapore roads. I am not very knowledgeable with car/vehicle modifications but I managed to find a picture through Google search, which looked 80%
similar, except the side glass panels were fully tinted. I’m not sure whether it was legal to have full tinted glass in Jakarta but this Vellfire looked fucking
The vehicle reversed and moved forward slightly several times before it came to a complete stop and a skinny and tanned malay guy stepped out from the driver seat. As he stepped out, he putted on a black-coloured NO FEAR duck-tongued cap and briefly adjusted his attire, walked towards our direction and waved his right arm at Maria with a big smile across his face.
I guessed he must be Ahmad.
He wasn’t very tall, probably 1.65M, wearing a red-coloured short sleeved batik shirt, decorated with bamboo patterns. Ahmad sports a clean, buzz cut hair style, the graying of his hair were visible near the roots. Judging by the extensive amount of crow feets at the end meeting point of his upper and lower eye lids, and dryness of his facial skin, I gave a guess he should be around the mid 40s. Ahmad reached out his right hand to greet Maria, and touched his left chest ( a common greeting gesture among the muslims I guess.)
“Ahmad, this is Mr. Jonathan Chong. And Jon, this is Ahmad.” Maria introduced both of us and we said hi to each other and exchanged a friendly hand shake.
“Alright then, let’s get on the car…” Maria instructed us.
“Mr. Jonatan, you have any bag you want put at the back?” Ahmad asked in a heavy mix of English and Indonesian Language.
“No… I don’t Ahmad”, I replied.
“Ok!” Ahmad acknowledged immediately, and our brief conversation ended there and then. Ahmad stepped ahead of us and opened the left sliding door and held onto the door for me and Maria to board.
Maria gestured me to go in first and even though I offered her first. The interior of the Vellfire was very spacious and had a tall ceiling, plus fully carpeted floor. But given my height, I had to lower my head and bend down slightly so that I was to move into the car. (But that’s just the rare few disadvantages of being tall) There were two rows of leathered seats facing each other, both nude-cooured. I sat on the row of seats facing the front window of the car. Maria entered immediately right after me.
As Maria was wearing 4-incher heels, she also had to bend down slightly so that she could move in. From the side, I realised that the top button of her blouse had come off; it probably came off when we were hugging back at the baggage collection section, and Maria was completely unaware. I assumed that Maria was going to sit next to me, so I moved in all the way to the right side but to my surprise, Maria opted to sit directly opposite me. She then turned around to sit down and had to bent down further. She bent down so low that I was able to see her breasts and her white-coloured bra. Her bra was those demi or half cup type, which leaves the top half of her assets completely exposed but hers was a little bit different. The bra didn’t seem to be her size; it covered less than half of her boobs as her boobs were dangling and almost spilling out from her bra and I was able to see a bit of her pink tips. I could feel my dick getting hard once again and FAST but being a gentleman, I decided to look to my right. As the seats were slightly reclined, from the corner of my eyes, I thought I saw a dash of red between her thighs as she sat down with her legs opened before she crossed her right leg over her left.