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Old 17-04-2005, 02:42 AM
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Exclamation Why not much on Lorong 18????

Hi to all who reads this....

basically I am asking for opinions on this tread...

I have ventured around geylang the first time I went there look for service with a buddy...that was way back when I was serving NS...

I remembered looking all over the place all the lorongs...until we settled for 1 of the house in Lorong 18.

Ever since then I have only tried the girls along lorong 18 or looked around Westerhout, seen a few good ones...

I did NOT try venturing the other lorongs...since I usually go alone after the first trip...I did not want to go through too much of a hassle...besides I find lorong 18 has one of the best looking girls in Geylang (subjective of to personal tastes of course)...what's more...the houses along lorong 18 cost only $40...really dun see the point spending $80 or $150 on a WL... (subjective of to personal opinions of course)when I can find a good one for $40...(just my own opinion)...

Which brings me to my purpose for starting this tread...the bros here seem to always talk about lorong 6, lorong 8...or even the few houses along westerhout...Why not much on Lorong 18??

I mean are the girls elsewhere so much better???

Those lao jiaos who frequent geylang a lot or have good reasons to why they prefer other lorongs please enlighten me...

Bad points and good points of lorong 18 are acceptable...thanks
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