Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Originally Posted by sexrookie
Have spent 2 nite in CA and visted 3 massage joints.
My game play - no suana and no KTV becoz poor man mah.
金龙岛 - visit old friend to do my small head massage and get ready to meet up a massage gal for the evening onk after work
金沙威尼斯 meet a new Sichuan gal under the clean massage CAT and understand she is bonkable if I want to. Why I say that the lines. "我不会跟打飞机,我只会跟你打炮“
金泉 - meet a 20 year old country gal. small built with big bust. cht chat big the ice and let me roam and play with her 波波。
My poor man quest will continue again tonite

I like your playing style.......I also poor man......
next stop ----- CA.
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