It seems that there were few writings on Big Beautiful Women.
I've started this thread for fellow bros' input.
Let me get it going..
Well, for a start, I'm not talking about obese women. For me, I jus prefer women who r more meaty (Ba chai as some young bros have termed it).
Recently there was news on a beauty pageant in Thailand for those Big ladies (I mean really BIG, nothing < 100kg hor). Well not refering 2 those.
I have a relatively smaller physique so a 100kg woman will probably crush me 2 death. hahaha..
Personally, I've had a few ba chai myself (non-commercial 1s) and generally, they r horny and easily wet. but 1 thing is that they r not so flexible so most times can't try anything that is too acrobatic.
Being a boobs lover, I found most times these ladies have huge bosoms, like pillow hahaha.. However, there r also those which r rather flat chested which I find quite a turn off (Cos u can't find where the breast stops n the tummy begins!).
Had a few during younger days out of pity cos some of them actually not bad looking jus need to lose some weight. 1 of them even became my gf who treated me very well (but broke off cos she's too sticky n i'm the type who needs a lot of breathing space)
The most recent 1 (not really recent la, bot 2 years back liao) that I can remember was a tourist from UK. Man! she has humongous boobs! the bad thing though she is ang mo n has freckled skin which was not my cup of tea. She was travelling alone n was on a stopover in Sing. Met her along MS checking out the local clubbing scene n I ended up being the local tour guide for her. More on that later.
Welcome bros 2 comment..