Thread: Bbw
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Old 12-05-2005, 10:46 AM
kinjio kinjio is offline
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Re: Bbw

Originally Posted by i'mscrewed
Hey bro kinjio, ?
Well, I dun really assess them by weight. It's more of the overall package. Those definitely out 1s r the extreme cases of obesity. Otherwise, I'm not too choosy.

For myself, I'm of smaller built 1.65/60, so if the ger is too big, I doubt I can handle.

As for my encounters.. Hmmmm.. Let's see,

the ang mo ger frm UK, taller then me by head size, bot 1.75 i think, she's considered fat by asian standards, probably weigh around 80? (she told me here stats b4 but I cld not remember, should be 70+ kua) She claims she used 2 be slim, but after a bad relationship, she jus kinda ballooned. Can u imagine she's a dance teacher?! I wld not believe had I not seen her dance.
But man! Her boobs r huge! definitely greater than the Cs & Ds. Let me see if I can find some similar 1s to post. Difficult to discribe. But she has very beautiful eyes though. (I was capitivated by her eyes, other than her huge bosoms.. hahaha..)

The ex was way way way long long time ago liao lo.. She's more of the kind u'll probabbly like. A bit of baby fat. Wun describe her as fat la.. More 2wards chubby. Boobies r a nice full C, soft n smooth.. Very fair n nice complexion.. 1 thing I find her sweet was when she smile, her eyes become 1 line.. haha.. but her eyes though small, still appeal 2 me cos her eye lashes r long n thick.. (I used 2 be a sucker 4 big eyes as well, so frens were a bit surprised we were an item).. Only 2gether for a few months. Din rob her of her V cos was a bit put off by the heavy responsibilty I'll have 2 bear. She was too lurvy dooyie for my liking then.. Taught her how 2 blow though.. haha...

Hmm.. A recent fling after the ang mo probably qualified too. But she did a successful weight lost programme.. Din have her when she was heavier (wasted!) Her boobs still as big (a full C) but got streched marks after the slimming down. She used 2 be a DD cupper n after seeing her old photos, wa lan eh! Super wet lady who can gush like no business, our sessions never end without her cumming for > 10 xs!! (through combination of finger, cunnilingus, n farking la..) .. Doesn't do BJ on me though. Broke off cos 2 sticky n wanted more in the relationship. 1 thing scared the shit outta me is she sometimes fainted during our sessions cos she has low blood pressure. So after a few times, I stopped farking her (2 many at dat time 2 handle anyway)

A long time fling I had for 5 years oso 'grew' from a gorgeous n voluptous lady in her late 20s to a round round aunty during our time 2gether.. hahaha

Other then those mentioned, > half of the older ladies I had were more on the fleshy side..