Thread: Bbw
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Old 12-05-2005, 04:12 PM
kinjio kinjio is offline
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Re: Bbw

Bot 2 years back, was then going through a bad break up and was drowning my sorrows almost every nite. Was already drinking on empty stomach right after work. Whole night boring cos no kangtao. SMS some gals 2 join me. They were going 2 another joint across the road so ok lor wait for time then proceed to meet there.

While making my way to the other joint, I was smsing on my hp wif the gals. N suddenly, I bumped in2 something.... eh.. soft. I was taken aback n was literally 'bounced' off! Lucky not a lamp post, otherwise malu man! hahaha..

'Oops , sorlee..' I apologised profusely. 1st cos it was a lady n 2ndly cos me was already a bit tipsy. Dun wanna be taken as a drunken ruffian.

'It's Olrite'.. I looked up n saw this ang mo lady. From her accent, I make out she's probably from UK. At 1st, I did not pay much attention 2 her. Jus notice oni that she's of bigger frame n her bosoms are huge (as with her ass as well, which I observed next). She gave me a smile n I smiled back meekly.

"Is ther arniway u kud tal me whare I cun darnce?" she asked in the British accent.

"U mean u looking for a pub?" I clarified. Pointing down the stretch of MS, I continued "this whole stretch of road r all clubbing joints, u can jus hopped in2 any1 of them'

'I'm lorking for ar plarce to darnce..' She specified.

Me being a helpful Sing gar por man, decided 2 show the Singaporean warmth 2 a foreigner (haha.. ya i know not shy la, as wif most of the Sillyporeans. Not meant as insult 2 my fellow countrymen. I love my country.)

Dun get me wrong, I'm no SPM (Sarong Party Man, male equivalent of SPG). In fact, I find myself more often detesting some of those expats who think they r racially more superior. (There are the kind 1s as well oso la..) And personally, I do not find caucasian women that sexually appealling 2 me as well. (Jus personal opinion oni, no offence). However, my pride in my country came 4ward and I a foreigner 2 leave with a bad impression of my country. Moreover, I bumped (physically, :}) in2 her in the 1st place.

So i invited her 2 join me at the famous joint i was heading 2. At this point, I was not harvesting any ill intentions watsoever. Jus trying 2 impress some1 wif my beautiful country. Since I was already alone the whole nite, dam boring liao (the whole 4, 5 hours already ah!), dun mind some1 keep me company oso. I was thinking later the chicks come can ask her frens 2 take over n show the ang mo ger a good time n I can hav some quality time wif 1 of the gal la... (heee.. dats abot the oni selfish thought i had then).

So in we went in n find a corner 2 sit down. Asked her wat so likes 2 drink? She said anything so jus get jug of beer 1st. Cheers wif her n she asked me how much the drinks 2 pay 4. Aiya, I say belanja her la. Jus enjoy n dun worry. She insist 2 buy me a round of drinks. Me jus brush it aside n told her may b later after finish the current drinks 1st. So down we cheers again.