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Old 03-02-2009, 07:52 PM
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Student internet flesh trade (BKK)

Student internet flesh trade

Colleges and universities ought to take action against students found to have engaged in "direct-sale" prostitution via social-network websites like Hi5, according to a well-known academic.

Assoc Prof Sukhum Chaloeysap of Suan Dusit Rajabhat University said all institutes of higher learning should admit the problem existed and join forces to combat it.

Some students are said to have touted sexual services on Hi5, which has links to more than 1,000 other websites that openly post students' pictures, many in uniform, and suggestive messages.

He urged the principals of colleges and universities to investigate.

Many students' part-time jobs are affected by the economic slowdown, driving some to prostitution to earn extra money, he said.

He said Suan Dusit had established a call centre to keep students informed and provide counselling on personal and other problems while offering more part-time jobs to support needy students so that they could earn an extra Bt3,000 a month.

Meanwhile, Culture Minister Theera Salukpetch yesterday said the ministry would write to the ICT Ministry, Education Ministry, Social Development and Human Security Ministry and Royal Thai Police as well as Internet service-providers asking them to step up the watch for prostitution on the Web.

He blamed the online student sex trade on youth's faulty values and overspending on luxurious and unnecessary items that drove young people to such lengths to get quick cash.

He called for strong families and proactive educational and religious institutions to counter the trend.

Ramjitti Institute director Dr Amornwit Nakhonthap said the Internet flesh trade was a long-standing issue and he was not surprised that a popular website like Hi5 was used as a channel for it.

He said this reflected young people's idea that switching sexual partners was common and it also changed the erstwhile perspective that only poor children sold themselves, citing a survey that found that most young people in the sex trade were not poor but just wanted money to buy things.

He urged the government to promote healthy values by praising young people who set a good example and to speed up projects to find jobs for students to earn extra money in salubrious ways.

"Direct-sale" student prostitution came to light when Thais aboard urged the Culture Ministry to investigate after they found Thai students, both male and female, posting their pictures, vital statistics, universities and telephone numbers with a view to sexual favours priced between Bt1,500 and Bt3,000.
Holy crap.

Anyone has any lobang?

Never noticed this on Hi5 before...
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Old 03-02-2009, 09:52 PM
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Re: Student internet flesh trade (BKK)

Originally Posted by ChaYen View Post
Student internet flesh trade

Holy crap.

Anyone has any lobang?

Never noticed this on Hi5 before...
ya, it would be very interesting to find the website

but this flesh trade by students has been since like history leh
Old 04-02-2009, 07:51 AM
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Re: Student internet flesh trade (BKK)

partime job 3000baht/mth
Flesh trade - 3000baht/nite
For all else (luxuries) you have mastercard.....

How to fite?
Minimum 7 pointers for exchange thanks
Old 04-02-2009, 07:56 AM
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Re: Student internet flesh trade (BKK)

Originally Posted by murali View Post
ya, it would be very interesting to find the website

but this flesh trade by students has been since like history leh
The website easy to find lah, it's just that there are thousands of profiles; how to find the ones that are discreetly advertising...?

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Old 04-02-2009, 12:39 PM
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Re: Student internet flesh trade (BKK)

i have register, was unable to find any coz i dun have any detail.. haizz
Old 04-02-2009, 01:53 PM
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Re: Student internet flesh trade (BKK)

among all the major social networking sites like facebook, friendster, hi5, myspace, hi5 is the most popular among Thais. I have a few Thai friends and all of them have a hi5 account and profiles. hi5 is a popular social networking site like facebook and is not a sex bulletin board. and except for the profile info, all the other information and messages they post on their profiles are in Thai scripts. even if you can read them , unless you already have some hints on which profiles to look for, it is almost impossible to find. and honestly, I don't see the point other than to satisfy our curiosity as I am sure we all agree there are enough girls to pick up in Bangkok without resorting to the Internet.
Old 04-02-2009, 02:16 PM
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Re: Student internet flesh trade (BKK)

Originally Posted by ChaYen View Post
The website easy to find lah, it's just that there are thousands of profiles; how to find the ones that are discreetly advertising...?

hi5 | Your Friends. Your World.
=> Was chatting with my buddy about Thai Uni Gals,they have always been around thru' internet or OKTs there,but probably the problem is "not all of them can speak English or Chinese ! And the rare ones who can,then will command much higher rates liked 15K Baht & above...mostly these babes that i have met before,they are some Beauty Queen winners !...They are really pretty but since they are only part timers,they hardly know how to service U & juz keep giving you sweet smiles & are liked "Dead Fishes" !!!...So i probably prefer to return to those "Hot Spas liked Poseidon & others where the babes treat & service U liked a King !!!...

Juz sharing my thoughts only !

Cheers !!!

ps.btw do you speak Thai ?
Old 05-02-2009, 06:31 AM
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Re: Student internet flesh trade (BKK)

Yeah; hi5is primarily a social networking site. I use my gf's account to surf through it. No luck so far though...
And yeah, can speak Thai... reading still very poor unfortunately.

Andy, you'd be suprised how many 'beauty queen's there are. Just as how they have an amazing number of celebrities (every other person seems to be one), but remember that what they term as 'beauty queen' may not be the same as what we mean. They aren't Miss Thailands, and so forth. Each province has hundreds or beauty contests a year, held all over the damn place. Each province has numerous ones as well. A friend of mine went back to Hua hin to sit on some float for Loy Krathong for some festival; supposedly only these 'beauty queens' get to sit on them for the parade.

Sorry for the paragraph, I'm just somewhat amused when these girls or their OKTs sell them as such, when they know that foreigners or tourists understand the term differently. Plausible deniability.

As for the hints in their profiles on hi5, none that I've noticed so far. At least none as obvious as the cigarette thing girls used to (and some still) do.

And as to the point of this... after a while all the farm girls get a tad plain. Member clubs girls get stale after a while too, as do massage girls. I guess I'm just looking for new avenues with which to entertain myself.
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