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Old 30-10-2008, 05:10 AM
SAVF_Visitor SAVF_Visitor is offline
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Nine Days


在一个无聊的星期六下午,寂寞的我又想找个女人来填补内心的空虚。从互联网的色情网站得到了几个手机号码。 发简讯给一位本地女孩,约她6点钟在劳明达的钟点旅店开房。接着我就出发搭巴士。过了不久,收到她的简讯。 她说她那天没空,她约了朋友出去并且向我道歉。

没办法,只好打个电话给一位中国小姐。这位小姐很红,她有许多恩客。我从没找过她,很想看她的庐山真面目。 网上给她的服务评价很高。电话接通,我问她晚上几点有空。约定在8点半劳明达旅店开房。

现在才下午4点钟,时间还很早。我决定先去找已前我常光顾的年青小姐,我一定是疯了。这个欢乐窝很隐秘,需 要打电话预约。到了欢乐窝,里面有三位年轻小姐。她们都认得我。两位小姐我前些日子已经找过了。我对她们的 服务都很满意。一位21岁,短发,身材适中,口技一流。令一位小姐,22岁,头发稍长,身材适中,很调皮, 令人怜爱。即然她们俩我都试过了,我决定选令一位24岁的小姐。她的样子比较成熟,身材也高些 。

她带我上二楼房间。在里面,她帮我洗澡,口交,蛇吻,作爱。一个钟很快过去,我们穿好衣服,付了钱,一起下 楼。我做在沙发上和两位小姐聊天。那位调皮女孩不在,她在替一位男生服务。聊了一阵子,调皮女孩也下楼来了 。送走那位男生,屋内只我这个无聊男人。我只是在闲聊,打发时间。

这时候,先前约定好的中国小姐发了个简讯,她要求把约定的时间挪后到9点钟。其实我已经很累,有点想取消约 定。但是我还是发了‘好的’短讯给她。我还想继续跟3位可爱小姐闲聊,但是那位24岁的小姐暗示我别坐太久 。她说如果让幕后老板知道,会罚她们钱。过了5分钟,我向3位可爱女生道别。

离约定时间还有一个半钟,我搭地铁到劳明达站,走向约定的旅店。时间还早,肚子也饿了。到附近的咖啡店坐下 ,吃了菜头果和喝了杯黑咖啡。祭了五藏庙后,离约定时间还有45分钟。走出一身臭汗,想先洗个澡。我只好先 开个房间,洗完澡后,躺在床上休息。

离约定时间还有5分钟,我发了个简讯给她,告诉她房间号码。9点钟过了一会,门铃响起。我把门打开,一位长 发披肩,身材娇好的年轻少妇出现在我眼前。她的长相挺美,有一股迷人的韵味。她的气质有别与一般的中国掏金 女人。如果走在街上,你还以为她是一位新加波女性。

关上房门后,她给我一个拥抱。接着我们脱光衣服。之前我已经冲过凉所以身上只有毛巾包着。她的身材匀称,双 峰突出。在我面前站着一位赤裸美少妇。我和她一起进去冲凉房把身体洗干静。之后我们就在床上做爱。我对做爱 的兴趣不大,因为之前已经和欢乐窝小姐做过了。为了让我完成任务,她说了两则偷情故事给我听。但是我无法集 中精神的做爱,我只是望着我眼前的她。她真的很美,是我的梦中情人。结果任务失败,不久后我们就在床上聊天 。偶尔我们拥抱,舌吻,触摸身上的敏感部位。她说她的腰部有点酸痛,应该是旧疾。她要我把手搭在她的酸痛处 ,我的手掌温度可以减轻她的酸痛。我顺便帮她轻柔腰部,希望可以帮她减轻多一点。她说酸痛是因为冷气吹到身 体,把被子盖上会好些。

我告诉她网站里面,她的恩客给她很高评价。我认为她的服务优点是给人一种很亲切感觉。很相和自己的女朋友在 开房。她告诉我一些有关她家里的事情。她的手机偶尔响起,有别的顾客和她预约时间和地点。她的下一个顾客约 她11点钟在隔壁旅店开房。

我足足和她在一起两个钟头半。和她在一起真的很开心,也很温馨。我从来没有过这种体验。多数时间我都看着她 。我说她是中年男人杀手,她说” 我杀了谁?” 。哈哈。从她的身上有几个刺青,她说那是用来掩饰伤疤。我好奇的摸了几下,的确有个疤痕。

10点45分,她得准备去见下一位顾客。她去冲洗身体,穿好衣服。我付了酬金,临走前,她给我一个拥抱。她 嘱咐我别待太久,冲个凉早点回家休息。11点15分,我带着疲惫的身躯和愉快的心情走向地铁站 。。。。。。

下午,和一位朋友吃下午餐后,她的容貌一直浮显在我的脑海里。我不由自主的发简讯给她,问她几点还有空。不 久后她回复”5点到7点有空,可以吗?”。我回答 ”好的” 。我很开心又可以再次见到她。

四点半左右,我赶紧去常光顾的旅店开个房。走进旅店大门,里面有几对男女在等待房间。问了接待 员 “还有房间吗?” 他说要等45分钟才有空房。我只好去隔壁旅店问看看。答案也是要等上30~45分钟。没办法,我给她打电话 ,问她附近还有没有其他旅店。她问我在哪里,我说我旅店附近。不久后我看到她,她还是穿着跟昨晚相似的装扮 。紧身t恤和短裤。她带我去另一间旅店问看看,结果还是要等上好久才有空房。

接着她带我去比较远一点的旅店。走着走着,天空下起雨。我没带伞,还好她有一把。我们就牵着手,共撑着一把 雨伞走去那间旅店。还好这旅店还有房间,但房租稍微贵了一点。拿了钥匙,我们搭电梯。

到了房间里,脱光衣服,我们就一起洗澡。接着我们又从复昨晚的一切。爱挪,舌吻,口交和做爱。接着我们就躺 在床上休息。知道她的腰又开始酸痛,我用手帮她轻轻的揉。我还是一直望着她,好喜欢看着她。
接着她拨打长途电话回家问候她的至亲。看着听着她对家人的关怀,我对她多了一份亲切感。她给我看她手机里的 照片,有许多她的个人照。我们有聊起天来。她说一些顾客对她很好,挺照顾她。带她去吃饭,买水果给她吃。有 些还开房,只为了给她睡个好觉。她的确很受欢迎,熟客很多。每天早也做,熬到很晚也做,身子那 里受得了。

她的下个预约时间要到了。冲凉后,穿好衣服,我们一起搭电梯下去大厅。她先行一步,我交回钥匙步出旅店。我 望着她的背影,她转过身,向我挥手道别。我也挥手向她道别。





按奈不注,终于打个电话给她。我问她晚上有没有空,我说想和她过夜。她说她没空,有个客人午夜过后会来找她 和她去吃水果。但明天她会把晚上10点过后的时间留给我。我就约她明天晚上见。


我很期待晚上的到来。下午我打电话去旅店问过夜租金,问了很多间,都是80~90元。我打个电话给她,问她 可以在她住的附近旅店开房。跟她说劳明达那边的旅店比较贵。她叫我找便宜点的,她不介意。

伴晚到来,我到超市买来一些水果。接着搭地铁去目的地。7点半,我先拿了一间房。反正早拿晚拿都是同一个价 码。进了房间,洗个澡,刷牙,坐在床上休息。发简讯给她,问她几点有空过来,她回复10点过后 。

时间还早,她没这么快过来。看了电视,时间过得很慢。没办法,只好到附近逛逛。这一带有很多中国女孩站街。 有一些女孩样子比她还美,但没有她的气质和亲切。闲逛了一阵子,我就回旅店等她。

到了约定时间,她没有打电话给我。只好再发个简讯给她,问她几点才有空过来。她回复11点钟。我想她一定还 和其他顾客在一起。到了11点钟,她仍然没有打电话给我。我发了一个简讯通知她旅店房间号码,告诉她我会等 她。很快她就回复,”11点15分就过来” 。

到了11点15分,她打电话给我,问旅店是那一间,那一带有两间相同旅店。搞清楚是那一间后,我按奈不住紧 张的心情,搭电梯到大厅等她。她来电问我有没有给错房间号码,原来她已经在我的房外。我赶紧上楼,她的确站 在房间外。

她依然带着亲切笑容来赴约。进了房间,她说之前打了电话回家,边打边哭。没有问她为什么哭。她说眼袋都哭肿 了,不好看。我说她的样子依然很迷人。喜欢她的人不会在乎那一点瑕疵。

今晚她穿着牛仔裤和白t恤。她带来两粒橙,烫发器具和洗脸用具。她也看到我带了一些水果。我们做在床上吃她 带来的橙,大橙给我吃,小橙她自己吃。接着她拿我带来的香蕉吃,太多她吃不完,折一半给我吃。我们就像一对 情侣,很自然的在一起做些琐碎事。

之后,她去洗澡和刷牙,我就泡了两杯咖啡。她洗完澡后,我去小解。我出来后,她正在喝自己加了美露的咖啡。 想必我泡的咖啡太淡,水加多了。她说她的腰还很酸痛,刚用热水洒在腰部来减轻痛楚。之后我只好把冷气温度调 高些。

接着我们就躲在被里温存一番,我依然望着她。不久候,她就开始帮我口交,添我的身体。我们接着开始做爱。过 了一会儿,我不想继续做爱,我只想好好的抱着她。她去冲凉房洗脸卸妆,我就看电视转播的足球赛。我跟她聊些 话,问她真的如网上所传言要退休,给人包养。她说是真的。可能这几天或者一个月后就不做了。我也没去想太多 ,只是珍惜这一刻,抱着喜欢的人。午夜到来,她累了想睡觉。她每天这么忙碌,一定很累。过了不久我把灯息了 ,抱着伊人躺着。她睡了,我还是睡不着。这一刻我觉得我很幸福,看着她躺在我的怀里睡着这么香。偶尔我触摸 她的敏感部位,她没有反应。又担心她的腰痛,顺便帮她揉腰,盖被。不久我也累了,不知不觉睡了。过了一回, 她的右脚靠过来,触动我的敏感部位。我又醒来。这次我再也没有合眼了,一直望着伊人。虽然灯息了,看不清她 的样子,我还是望着她。


不知不觉天亮了,早晨的光线射穿窗帘布。7点钟了,我去冲凉房刷牙洗脸,之后我叫她也起来刷牙洗脸。喝了一 些水,我们又继续在床上躺着。她问我要不要在做一次。我太累了整晚没睡,所以没有兴趣。我问她几点有客,她 说10点钟。但她得先冲凉,洗发和烫发,然后回家一趟。

她又继续睡,8点钟了,我再度把她叫醒,她就像一个小女孩撒娇不要起床。慢慢的她起来了。我看着她从洗头发 ,弄干头发到烫直发。她的样貌又变回容光焕发,神彩飞扬。
9点钟了,她得走了。虽然依依不舍,也得跟她道别。我们一起搭电梯,她戴着一副默镜。我开玩笑的 问她 ”美女,你要去那里 ?” 她会答 ”帅哥,你要去那里 ?” 我说 “我并不帅。” 走到大厅,交了锁匙,在大门口跟她道别。她轻轻的吻我的脸颊,谢谢我照顾她。就此她走向回家的路,我也搭地 铁回家。一路回家的心情挺愉快。



晚上,从网上得知她不做了,有一位有钱仁兄要包养她。不久后,她终于回简讯给我。她说很高兴认识我,谢谢我 对她的关怀。我也很开心认识她,她的确是一位让男人很容易心动的女人。

Old 30-10-2008, 10:32 AM
pewpew pewpew is offline
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Re: Nine Days

1st time seeing chinese stor here, will camp for more, +u +u
Live Long, Play Hard, Stay Strong, Last Long
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Old 30-10-2008, 10:58 AM
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Re: Nine Days

well i am mandarin letters illiterate so i attempted to translate using babelfish, the result was... wierd but i tried ;p

On ninth reason

Saturday in a bored Saturday afternoon, lonely I wants to ask a woman to fill the innermost feelings the void. Obtained several handset numbers from Internet's pornographic website. Sends the news brief to a local girl, approximately her 6 o'clock are working the wise hour inn to open the room. Then I embark ride the bus. Crossed soon, receives her news brief. She said that she that day has no free time, she approximately the friend exited, and apologizes to me. Does not have the means that has to telephone to give a Chinese young lady. This young lady is very red, she has many graciousness guests. I ever have not looked for her, very wants to look at her truth about the matter. On-line gives her service appraisal to be very high. The telephone connection, I asked that she several:00 pm has free time. The agreement works the wise inn in 8:30 to open the room. Only then 4 o'clock, the time also is very now early in the afternoon. I decided that looks for already young young lady who before first, I often patronize, I was certainly am insane.

This happy nest conceals very much, needs to telephone to make an appointment. To the happy nest, inside had three young young ladies. They recognize me. Two young ladies I few days ago already had looked. I am very satisfied to their service. 21 years old, the short hair, the stature is moderate, ventriloquism first-class. Makes a young lady, 22 years old, the hair is slightly long, the stature is moderate, is very mischievous, makes one love tenderly. Was that as it may their me to try, I decided that elected command 24 year-old young ladies. Her appearance is quite mature, stature also high. She leads on me two building rooms. In inside, she helps me to take a bath, the fellatio, the snake lips, make the love.

A clock very quick past, we put on clothes, paid money, went downstairs together. I do on the sofa and two young ladies chat. That mischievous girl, she in does not serve for a male student. Chatted the period of time, the mischievous girl also went downstairs. Packs off that male student, in the room only my this bored man. I only am chatting, kill the time. At this time, formerly agreed good Chinese young lady to send a news brief, after she requests moves the agreement time, to 9 o'clock.

Actually I was very already tired, a little wants to cancel the agreement. But I sent `well ' the news brief to give her. I also want to continue with 3 lovable young ladies to chat, but that 24 year-old young ladies suggested that I do not sit am too long. She said that if lets boss know secretly, will punish their money. Crossed 5 minutes, I say goodbye to 3 lovable female students.

Also has -and-a-half clocks to the agreement time, I build the subway to work the wise station, moves toward the agreement the inn. The time early, the belly was also also hungry. Sat down to the nearby coffee shop, has eaten the radish fruit and has drunk the cup black coffee.

After having offered a sacrifice to five Tibet temples, also has 45 minutes to the agreement time. Goes out body kakidrosis, wants to take a bath first. I have to open a room first, after taking the bath, lies down rests on the bed. Also has 5 minutes to the agreement time, I sent a news brief to give her, told her the room number. a 9 o'clock meeting, the doorbell has resounded. I open the gate, a long hair shawl, the stature lovely young young married woman appears in me at present. Her appearance is very beautiful, has an enchanting flavor. Her makings are able to discriminate with general China pull out the golden woman. If walks on the street, you also thought that she is a new Canadian wave female.

After closing the door, she gives me a hug. Then we remove completely clothes. Before I already broke through coolly, therefore on the body only then the towel is wrapping. Her well-proportioned, the twin peaks is prominent. In my surface advance party naked beautiful young married woman. I and she go in the restroom to wipe out calmly together the body. Afterward we make love on the bed. I to the interest which makes love am not big, because before already and happy nest young lady has done. In order to let me complete the task, she said two pieces have an affair the story to listen to me. But I am unable to concentrate the spiritual making love, I am only looking at my at present her. She is really very beautiful, is in my dream the sweetheart. Finally duty defeat, after soon, we chat on the bed. Occasionally we hug, the tongue lips, touch on body's sensitive spot. She said that her waist a little is sore, should be chronic illness. She wants me to build the hand in her is sore place, my palm temperature may reduce her being sore.

I help her while convenient the gentle waist, hoped that may help her to reduce many spots. She said that is sore is because the air conditioning blows the body, covers the quilt meets many. I tell her inside the website, her graciousness guest appraises very high for her. I thought that her service merit is one kind felt very kindly for the human. Very and their girlfriend are opening the room. She tells me some to concern in her family's matter. Her handset occasionally resounds, the customer who is able to discriminate and she makes an appointment the time and the place.

Her next customer approximately her 11 o'clock opens the room in the next door inn. I enough with her in together two hours half. With her in together is really very happy, is also very warm. I have never had this kind of experience. The most time I look at her. I said that she is the middle-aged man murderer, she said that” who I have killed?” . Ha. Has several thorns from hers body to be blue, she said that is uses for to conceal the scabs. I curious have traced several, really has a scar. 10.45 points, she must prepare to see the next customer. She flushes the body, puts on clothes. I have paid the remuneration for services rendered, before leaving, she gives me a hug. She exhorts me not to treat is too long, flushes coolly to go home to rest earlier. 11.15 points, I am having the exhausted stature and the happy mood move toward the underground station. . . . . .
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bros to return favor in case i forget =p: et911, lglg666, o2-xda, ix1x, kkplayah88, sexkingkl
Old 30-10-2008, 11:02 AM
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Re: Nine Days

On Sunday in the afternoon, eats up the lunch after a friend, her appearance has floated obviously in mine mind. I cannot help but send the news brief to her, asked that her several spots also have free time. After soon, she replies” 5 o'clock to 7 spots to have free time, may?”. I reply”” well. I very happy may see her once more. About 4:30, I hurry the inn which often patronizes to open a room. Enters the inn door, inside has several pair of men and women to wait for the room. Asked the reception clerk “also has the room?” He said that must wait for 45 minutes only then to have the vacant room. I have to go to the next door inn to ask have a look. The answer also needs to wait for on 30~45 minutes.

Does not have the means that I telephone to her, to ask that nearby her also has other inns. She asked that I in where, I did say nearby my inn. After soon, I saw her, she am putting on with last night similar dressing up. Tight-fitting T-shirt and short. She leads me to go to another inn to ask has a look, the result needs to wait on only then to have vacant room for a long time. Then she leads me to compare the far spot the inn. Walks is walking, the sky has the rain.

I have not brought the umbrella, she has fortunately. We pull begin, altogether supports an umbrella to walk that inn. This inn also has the room fortunately, but a house rent slightly expensive point. Has taken the key, we build the elevator. To the room, has removed completely clothes, we together take a bath. Then we from duplicate last night's all. Likes moving, the tongue lips, the fellatio and makes love. Then we lie down on the bed rest. Knew that her waist starts to be sore, I use the hand to help her rubbing gently. I have been looking at her, good likes looking at her. Then she dials the long-distance telephone call to go home to send regards her the very close relative. Looks that is listening to her to family member's concern, I to her many warm feelings. She thinks in her handset's picture to me, has her to illuminate personally.

We have chat day. She said that some customers are very good to her, very looks after her. Leads her to eat meal, buys the fruit to eat to her. Some also open the room, only to rest to her a good sleep. She is indeed popular, the frequent guest are many. Every day also does early, endures very late also does, body there received. Her under appointment time must arrive. After flushing coolly, puts on clothes, we build the elevator to get down together the hall. She advance one step, I return a key step inn. I am looking at her back, she has turned around, waves the hand to me says goodbye. I also wave the hand to her say goodbye.

Monday her appearance has appeared in my mind. Is very on Tuesday difficult her to forget On Wednesday decided looks for her again On Thursday next Monday will be the slaughter monster festival, the anticipation weekend's arrival.

Friday according to nai does not pour, telephones to give her finally. I asked that she evening has had free time, I said that wants to pass the night with her. She will say her to have no free time, to have a visitor after midnight to come to look for her and she eats the fruit. But she will leave tomorrow after 10:00 pm time I. I will see tomorrow evening on approximately her.

Saturday I anticipate evening's arrival very much. In the afternoon I telephone inn to ask the over night rent, asked many, is 80~90 Yuan. I telephone to give her, asked that she may the nearby inn which lives in her open the room. To her said that works the wise that side inn to be quite expensive. She calls me to look for the cheap spot, she did not mind. The partner arrives late, buy some fruits I to the supermarket. Then builds the subway to go to the destination.

7:30, I have taken a room first. Takes late takes is the identical pricetag early in any case. Has entered the room, takes a bath, cleans the teeth, sits rests on the bed. Sends the news brief to her, asked that her several spots have free time, she will reply 10 spots from now on. The time early, she has not had is such quick. Watched the television, the time passed very much slowly. Does not have the means that has to stroll to neighbor. Area this has many Chinese girls to stand the street. Has some girl appearances to be also more beautiful than her, but does not have her makings and kind. Strolled the period of time, I return to the inn to wait for her.

To the agreement time, she has not telephoned to give me. Has to send a news brief to give her again, asked that her several spots only then have free time. She replies for 11 o'clock. I think her certainly also with other customers in the same place. To 11 o'clock, she had still not telephoned to give me. I sent a news brief to inform her inn room number, will tell her me to wait for her. Very quick she replies,” 11.15 points come”. To 11.15 points, she has telephoned to give me, asked that the inn is that one, area that has two same inns. After making clear is that, I according to nai do not live in the tense mood, builds the elevator to wait for her to the hall.

She comes the electricity to ask that I do have for the wrong room number, originally she already outside mine room. I hurry to go upstairs, she indeed stands outside the room. She still brings the kind smiling face to keep an appointment. Has entered the room, she said before, telephoned to go home, hits while cries. Had not asked why she does cry. She said that the pouch cries to be swollen, is unattractive. I said that her appearance is still very enchanting. Will like her the person not caring about that slight defect. Tonight she is putting on the jeans and the white T-shirt. She brings two grain of oranges, has a permanent wave the appliance and washes the face the apparatus. She also saw I brought some fruits. We make the orange which eats her on the bed to bring, the big orange eats to me, the small orange she eats. Then she takes the banana which I bring to eat, were too many she not to be able to finish eating, folds half to eat to me. We look like a pair of lover, very natural is doing a trivial matter together. A

fterward, she takes a bath and cleans the teeth, I have soaked two coffee. After she takes the bath, I urinate. After I come out, she was drinking the Canada beautiful dew the coffee. Thought I soak the coffee is too pale, Shui Jiaduo. She said that her waist very much is also sore, just used the hot water to sprinkle reduces the pain in the waist. Afterward I have to raise the air conditioning temperature. Then we hide in by in attentive, I am still looking at her. Does not wait for a long time, she starts to help me the fellatio, adds my body. We then start to make love.

After a while, I do not want to continue to make love, I only want well to hug her. She goes to the restroom to wash the face takes off one's jewelry, I watch television relay's soccer game. I chat words with her, asked she really like on-line passes on a message must retire, the package raises for the human. She said that is real. Possible these days or one month later does not do. I have not gone to want to be too many, only treasures this moment, is hugging the human who likes. Midnight arrives, she tired has wanted to sleep. She such bustles about every day, is certainly very tired. Crossed soon me the lamp rest, hugs that person to lie down. She has rested, I cannot fall asleep. This moment I thought that I am very happy, look she lies down in mine bosom falls asleep such fragrant. Occasionally I touch her sensitive spot, she had not responded. Also worried that her lumbago, helps her to rub the waist while convenient, the coverlet. Soon I have been also tired, rested unconscious. Crossed, her right foot depends comes, to touch my sensitive spot. I wake. This I have not closed the eyes again, has been looking at that person. Although the lamp rest, could not see clearly her appearance, I am looking at her.

On Sunday The unconscious dawn, morning's optical fiber shot through the curtain. 7 o'clock, I have gone to the restroom to clean the teeth wash the face, afterward I call her also to get up clean the teeth wash the face. Has drunk some water, we continue on the bed to lie down. She asked that I want to make one time. My too tired whole evening has not rested, therefore does not have the interest. I asked that her several spots have the guest, she said for 10 o'clock. But she must flush first coolly, washes sends and has a permanent wave, then goes home. She continues to rest, 8 o'clock, I have awakened once again her, she looks like a little girl to act like a spoiled brat do not get out of bed. She slowly got up. I think that she from washes hair, dries the hair to send directly very hot. Her appearance changes face glowing with health, the appearance flies upwards.

9 o'clock, she has resulted. Although is reluctant to part, also says goodbye with her. We build the elevator together, she wears a silent mirror. I crack a joke asked that she” the beautiful woman, you must go to there?” She will answer” the handsome fellow, you must go to there?” I said that “I am not graceful.” Arrives at the hall, has handed over the key, says goodbye in the front door mouth with her. She gently kisses my cheeks, thanks me to look after her. She moves toward the road which in light of this goes home, I also build the subway to go home. A group goes home the mood is very happy. Monday In the afternoon remembers her, sent a piece of regards news brief to give her, her not chapter of news. . . . . . . . .

Evening, from-line knew that she does not do, some rich my dear friend wants to wrap raises her. After soon, she returns to the news brief finally to me. She said that knows me very happily, thanks me to her concern. I am also very happy know her, she indeed am the woman who lets the man very easy heart movement. Wishes her in this to obtain the forever happiness!
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Old 30-10-2008, 02:15 PM
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Re: Nine Days

Originally Posted by pewpew View Post
1st time seeing chinese stor here, will camp for more, +u +u
There is no more story for me to tell. This is the 1st time I penned down my thought. I spend 2 full nights to wrote it out in Chinese using Njstar. If there is any grammer or spelling mistake, please bear with it.
Old 30-10-2008, 02:16 PM
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Re: Nine Days

Originally Posted by Megatronzombie View Post
well i am mandarin letters illiterate so i attempted to translate using babelfish, the result was... wierd but i tried ;p
. . .
Ya, the result is really wierd. Sorry I cannot express my feeling in English. I may spend weeks to write it down in English, too taxing for me to do it.
Old 30-10-2008, 02:31 PM
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Re: Nine Days

Just write it in Chinese.

Everything new is interesting even if its the method of your description.

Guys like new things hehe
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Old 30-10-2008, 03:01 PM
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Re: Nine Days

Originally Posted by SAVF_Visitor

在一个无聊的星期六下午,寂寞的我又想找个女人来填补内心的空虚。从互联网的色情网站得到了几个手机号码。 发简讯给一位本地女孩,约她6点钟在劳明达的钟点旅店开房。。。
但是,细看之下,发现了“劳明达”才恍然大悟,这其实是我至今看阅到的第一篇本地黄色小说。。 。

Originally Posted by Megatronzombie
well i am mandarin letters illiterate so i attempted to translate using babelfish, the result was... wierd but i tried
Thanks for screwing up his mega-effort ... now ALL the Chinese-illiterates here will think the TS was a bozo who hasn't got any literary talent at all!!
Dunno if you are Hokkien-illiterate too, but I still wanna say: "lang ... kiang jiu ho, mai gai kiang".
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Old 30-10-2008, 03:05 PM
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Re: Nine Days

Bro TS, I have tried to translate into English,
But I think I might need to find out the English name for the hotel that you mentioned and expressing it into English will be a bit different.
As the expression in English look dull ......
Old 30-10-2008, 03:08 PM
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Re: Nine Days

Originally Posted by KingEros View Post
但是,细看之下,发现了“劳明达”才恍然大悟,这其实是我至今看阅到的第一篇本地黄色小说。。 。
Thanks for your comment and point. Just return my favour.
Old 30-10-2008, 03:18 PM
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Re: Nine Days

Originally Posted by wolf2305 View Post
Bro TS, I have tried to translate into English,
But I think I might need to find out the English name for the hotel that you mentioned and expressing it into English will be a bit different.
As the expression in English look dull ......
I did not give out the exact name of the hotel. It is in Lavender(劳明达) area.
Old 30-10-2008, 03:20 PM
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Re: Nine Days

Originally Posted by SAVF_Visitor View Post
Ya, the result is really wierd. Sorry I cannot express my feeling in English. I may spend weeks to write it down in English, too taxing for me to do it.
wow.. good writing in mandarin, very simple and smooth type of writing. can easily feel ur loneliness and at the end ur sadness on her leaving....
Old 30-10-2008, 03:26 PM
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Re: Nine Days

Originally Posted by stephan View Post
wow.. good writing in mandarin, very simple and smooth type of writing. can easily feel ur loneliness and at the end ur sadness on her leaving....
Thanks for your comment. I really hate writing composition during secondary school days. The most is 200 words. I think I broke my own record that I can write (actually type) so many words.

At least you know how I felt. That is my feeling.
Old 31-10-2008, 10:24 AM
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Re: Nine Days

文章写的真的很有味道, 非常细腻的好文笔.


再接再厉 !!!
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Old 31-10-2008, 10:50 AM
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Re: Nine Days

Originally Posted by gambit88 View Post
文章写的真的很有味道, 非常细腻的好文笔.


再接再厉 !!!
Thanks for the encouragement.
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