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It seems that there were few writings on Big Beautiful Women.
I've started this thread for fellow bros' input. Let me get it going.. Well, for a start, I'm not talking about obese women. For me, I jus prefer women who r more meaty (Ba chai as some young bros have termed it). Recently there was news on a beauty pageant in Thailand for those Big ladies (I mean really BIG, nothing < 100kg hor). Well not refering 2 those. I have a relatively smaller physique so a 100kg woman will probably crush me 2 death. hahaha.. Personally, I've had a few ba chai myself (non-commercial 1s) and generally, they r horny and easily wet. but 1 thing is that they r not so flexible so most times can't try anything that is too acrobatic. Being a boobs lover, I found most times these ladies have huge bosoms, like pillow hahaha.. However, there r also those which r rather flat chested which I find quite a turn off (Cos u can't find where the breast stops n the tummy begins!). Had a few during younger days out of pity cos some of them actually not bad looking jus need to lose some weight. 1 of them even became my gf who treated me very well (but broke off cos she's too sticky n i'm the type who needs a lot of breathing space) The most recent 1 (not really recent la, bot 2 years back liao) that I can remember was a tourist from UK. Man! she has humongous boobs! the bad thing though she is ang mo n has freckled skin which was not my cup of tea. She was travelling alone n was on a stopover in Sing. Met her along MS checking out the local clubbing scene n I ended up being the local tour guide for her. More on that later. Welcome bros 2 comment.. Cheers! |
Re: Bbw
Hey bro kinjio, how about you tell me the stats of those ba chais you had had? Its like to some ppl, a girl may be fleshy and not meaty. Well, the opinions differ. To me fleshy is a little flabby with baby fat around and perhaps can be toned through exercising. Meaty is basically fat and definitely a grade up from being fleshy.
So were your ba chais fleshy or meaty? What were their weights and heights? How about you? How tall are you and how heavy are you? |
Re: Bbw
For myself, I'm of smaller built 1.65/60, so if the ger is too big, I doubt I can handle. As for my encounters.. Hmmmm.. Let's see, the ang mo ger frm UK, taller then me by head size, bot 1.75 i think, she's considered fat by asian standards, probably weigh around 80? (she told me here stats b4 but I cld not remember, should be 70+ kua) She claims she used 2 be slim, but after a bad relationship, she jus kinda ballooned. Can u imagine she's a dance teacher?! I wld not believe had I not seen her dance. But man! Her boobs r huge! definitely greater than the Cs & Ds. Let me see if I can find some similar 1s to post. Difficult to discribe. But she has very beautiful eyes though. (I was capitivated by her eyes, other than her huge bosoms.. hahaha..) The ex was way way way long long time ago liao lo.. She's more of the kind u'll probabbly like. A bit of baby fat. Wun describe her as fat la.. More 2wards chubby. Boobies r a nice full C, soft n smooth.. Very fair n nice complexion.. 1 thing I find her sweet was when she smile, her eyes become 1 line.. haha.. but her eyes though small, still appeal 2 me cos her eye lashes r long n thick.. (I used 2 be a sucker 4 big eyes as well, so frens were a bit surprised we were an item).. Only 2gether for a few months. Din rob her of her V cos was a bit put off by the heavy responsibilty I'll have 2 bear. She was too lurvy dooyie for my liking then.. Taught her how 2 blow though.. haha... Hmm.. A recent fling after the ang mo probably qualified too. But she did a successful weight lost programme.. Din have her when she was heavier (wasted!) Her boobs still as big (a full C) but got streched marks after the slimming down. She used 2 be a DD cupper n after seeing her old photos, wa lan eh! Super wet lady who can gush like no business, our sessions never end without her cumming for > 10 xs!! (through combination of finger, cunnilingus, n farking la..) .. Doesn't do BJ on me though. Broke off cos 2 sticky n wanted more in the relationship. 1 thing scared the shit outta me is she sometimes fainted during our sessions cos she has low blood pressure. So after a few times, I stopped farking her (2 many at dat time 2 handle anyway) A long time fling I had for 5 years oso 'grew' from a gorgeous n voluptous lady in her late 20s to a round round aunty during our time 2gether.. hahaha Other then those mentioned, > half of the older ladies I had were more on the fleshy side.. |
Re: Bbw
Bot 2 years back, was then going through a bad break up and was drowning my sorrows almost every nite. Was already drinking on empty stomach right after work. Whole night boring cos no kangtao. SMS some gals 2 join me. They were going 2 another joint across the road so ok lor wait for time then proceed to meet there.
While making my way to the other joint, I was smsing on my hp wif the gals. N suddenly, I bumped in2 something.... eh.. soft. I was taken aback n was literally 'bounced' off! Lucky not a lamp post, otherwise malu man! hahaha.. 'Oops , sorlee..' I apologised profusely. 1st cos it was a lady n 2ndly cos me was already a bit tipsy. Dun wanna be taken as a drunken ruffian. 'It's Olrite'.. I looked up n saw this ang mo lady. From her accent, I make out she's probably from UK. At 1st, I did not pay much attention 2 her. Jus notice oni that she's of bigger frame n her bosoms are huge (as with her ass as well, which I observed next). She gave me a smile n I smiled back meekly. "Is ther arniway u kud tal me whare I cun darnce?" she asked in the British accent. "U mean u looking for a pub?" I clarified. Pointing down the stretch of MS, I continued "this whole stretch of road r all clubbing joints, u can jus hopped in2 any1 of them' 'I'm lorking for ar plarce to darnce..' She specified. Me being a helpful Sing gar por man, decided 2 show the Singaporean warmth 2 a foreigner (haha.. ya i know not shy la, as wif most of the Sillyporeans. Not meant as insult 2 my fellow countrymen. I love my country.) Dun get me wrong, I'm no SPM (Sarong Party Man, male equivalent of SPG). In fact, I find myself more often detesting some of those expats who think they r racially more superior. (There are the kind 1s as well oso la..) And personally, I do not find caucasian women that sexually appealling 2 me as well. (Jus personal opinion oni, no offence). However, my pride in my country came 4ward and I a foreigner 2 leave with a bad impression of my country. Moreover, I bumped (physically, :}) in2 her in the 1st place. So i invited her 2 join me at the famous joint i was heading 2. At this point, I was not harvesting any ill intentions watsoever. Jus trying 2 impress some1 wif my beautiful country. Since I was already alone the whole nite, dam boring liao (the whole 4, 5 hours already ah!), dun mind some1 keep me company oso. I was thinking later the chicks come can ask her frens 2 take over n show the ang mo ger a good time n I can hav some quality time wif 1 of the gal la... (heee.. dats abot the oni selfish thought i had then). So in we went in n find a corner 2 sit down. Asked her wat so likes 2 drink? She said anything so jus get jug of beer 1st. Cheers wif her n she asked me how much the drinks 2 pay 4. Aiya, I say belanja her la. Jus enjoy n dun worry. She insist 2 buy me a round of drinks. Me jus brush it aside n told her may b later after finish the current drinks 1st. So down we cheers again. |
Re: Bbw
Having a hard time trying 2 make conversations wif her over the loud music. Found out she travelling alone n stopping over a few days in Sing and this is her last nite in Sing so come out check the clubbing scene by recommendation of the hotel staff.
She had just came over from Aust/NZ (4got liao) visiting her frens there n She was 2 catch a morning flight 2 Bangkok next. As we talk, she slowly tell mor bot herself. She's frm liverpool (this I remembered cos of the famous FC frm there ma.. hee.) n is a dance teacher back hm. She has just called off a long term relationship wif a married man n decided 2 take a break n see the world. As I was going thru' a bad break-up myself so naturally we connected on that part. So we down again n she begin 2 lossen up. Seeing that the nite still young (11pm), I ordered a bottle Chivas n she was trying 2 stop me cos she insist she has an early flight n doesn't wanna drink 2 much. I assured her that the drinks for myself n my frens later. So she relented n emphasised again she wanna buy me a round later on. She said she wanna dance so told her go ahead n I'll join her 1s my frens r here. Off she goes 2 the dance floor n boy! can she dance! The guys around were like ogling at her n i guess 1. cos she ang mo & 2. cos her huge boobies really catching the disco light! hahaha... I received sms frm the chicks I was supposed 2 meet n they hav change of plans n r going 2 another joint. Asked 2 join them, but then, I pai seh 2 leave the ang mo here in the pack of wolves (haha no offence). Anyway, I had enuf drinks liao n was oso tired so msg back say may b later but dun really intend 2 go oso. So there I was, alone again. Under the shimmering disco lights, I was staring at her across the dance floor n she seems 2 b enjoying herself. Boy! SHe can really dance (May b cos I dance like monkey..haha.. but really, she dance really well, I say again) For a moment, I was enjoying the sight of a voluptuous lady making her grooves, ogling as well at her big bosoms. Her hair a bit messed up with her movements. Normally, a lady her size making such dance moves would have been comical. But she made it all looked so graceful. Not those 'hot' dance moves, she jus know her steps n the appropriate move to the music. She came back. Asked where my frens r? Told her they've gone 2 another joint. Checked wif her if she wanna go? She indicated she's fine but she like this place. Ok, no problem. Drink. hahaha.. ahhh.. me oso relax liao at that moment, 4getting bot my sorrows for that brief moment. Oldies music come, she pulled me outta my stool n dance cha cha wif me.. Ah! KNN! Me like the gorilla in mandai zoo.. can't dance for nuts! All around, ppl were looking at us. TMD damn malu. A few couples chat us up, including a couple frm US as well. So there we were, 1 happy group of mature adults having a good time among the younger chaps out hunting for ONS (i guessed). We must have looked like a bunch of oddfellas. I was frequenting that joint then n some of the waiters asked who r these ppl. Jus told them my overseas frens. (Dun wanna be seen 'uncool'.. hahaha..) |
Re: Bbw
The happy mood was contagious. All were in very jovial mood including myself. So naturally, drinks flowed. She was also staring 2 get high liao. Some1 ordered a round of tequilla shots for all of us. Cheers! n down went the drinks. Next up some1 else bought her a flaming lambourgini (I dunno who)
Under our cheers, she sucked the potent mix down. AH!! Getting very fun ah.. Think she was a bit knocked back by the mix of drinks. But I wld say she held her liquor quite well. She wobbled n collapsed into me. I held her. $ that moment, we looked each other in the eyes. WOW! Now then I realised she has very beautiful eyes. Nice long lashes, good contour around her eye sockets. Light make up. Her sharp nose was touching my cheek. Holding her waist (which r by no means suave, but no tree trunk either), I felt her softness. Her huge bosoms inevitably pressed against my chest. DAMNED! I found myself having a hard on! (Never though bot her sexually till then). I was half sitting on the stool. She jus leaned on me. I placed my hands on her hips, gentlemanly, not grotesquely gropping her la. AH, can definitely feel her weight on me. Hmm.. If she fell I dunno can carry or not. hahaha.. The kick frm the last round of drinks probably caught up wif her. She leaned on me lazily wif her back to me. Then under alcoholic influence (again! hahaha, fans of my previous threads will know) her hand started to stroke my thigh and her big round buttocks pressed against my hard on! I run my fingers on2 her big fleshy round buttocks n carassed the area wif the tips of my fingers, discreetly of cos. Man! such softness. How I wish I could hug her when I sleep. Her butts r not those flat wide base like a wall of flesh. There is still some perkiness despite the gain in mass (probably her dancing training helped?) I could jus lay on it n sleep.. hahaha... Last edited by kinjio; 12-05-2005 at 06:41 PM. |
Re: Bbw
Re: Bbw
Hello All,
read this thread and i agreed with Bro Kinjio. I also like sliightly bigga women coz they all have big neh neh and i love big neh neh one. i remeber got 1 time also when i younger, i always on the looksee for cha por to "dig" and many all big size one... maybe i just say 1 of my experience hor SB brudders listen listen... i that time just finish poly, waiting go army no girlfriend. yeah lah, dunno why sian cha por always no luckz....sianz sianz sianz... always kena reject.... that time adultfriend finder got free subscription so i just try my luck and pm some gals. then really leh, got 1 reply! i happy like cow. chit chat blah blah blah then sian her go out meet. really reply and agree! shiok liaoz! so that day cum and i go...maybe a little about myself. that time i still quite fit, now fat liao. i about 1.77m+, 65kg, quite fit coz play football like siaoz. lookswise i average lah. some say boyish...cute...some say nerd coz i used to wear spec one...nvm lah. anyway, i average joe. When finally meet, saw this gal. Long hair, complexion ok, dun wear spec. but wah lau! 60-70kg but fXXk! neh neh biggest i ever saw and immediately i get hard liao. i try to hide and go up to her...say, Hello, i XXXX, you are XXX correct? she smile and say Yes. I actually see her size, am a little scared but nvm. If got food eat lor....neh neh fXXking big lah.... So we go walk walk, talk talk and in the end, we ended up at her place at East Side, her parents all not home. I think, Ho say liao.... whole day keep staring at her neh neh and get hard... Then we go her room. she on tv and we watch, she was sitting on her bed and i although horny like siao, gentlemen sit on the floor...we like that for about 10min then she ask me if i find her ugly...i say no no! you are ok! Then, why u sit on the floor? i say i shy mah. heh heh! she laugh and suddenly, she turn to me, squeeze her HUGE neh neh together and ask, I saw you looking at my breasts whole day...Do you like them... wah liao i blurr. Got so frank one ah! I smile shyly and nodded yes. I like it very very much. She ask How much and put her hand on my cock. I steaming liao so she smile and say, ah! i see. she smile seductively at me and lick her lips and say, i want to see and unzipped my jeans, pull down my underwear all 1 shot. my cock pop out, big and hard. She smile again and say, wah! circumsize! i like! clean! and pop my didi in her mouth. I was still in a state of shock and dun know what to do.... just sit back and enjoy her bbbj and fXXk! she can really really suck. After 10 min, she pull my cock out of her mouth and pull me onto her bed and say, since you like my breasts so much, why dun you play with them.... (sorry bros. gotta go. office going to close liao and i 1st time post FR so dun know good or not, if you all like, let me know and i con't ASAP...cheers!) |
Re: Bbw
Anyway, interesting story...do continue... |
Re: Bbw
Bro kinjio, just love reading ur FRs man...not just for the PCC material but for ur damn light-hearted and funny writing style too. Keep em coming!
Re: Bbw
Thks bros for the kind words..
Alcohol has always been a good stimulant. Without it, a lot of relationships wld not have started in the 1st place. Both of us were feeling the 'high' sensation from the effects of the intoxication. The horniness is beginning 2 rear its head (my dickhead oso doing the same thing.. hahaha...) Feeling that she is getting comfortable with me, I hugged her from behind, putting my arms around her well-nourished waist. Her bulge was not those disgustingly thick trunks. In fact, to my surprised, I find it rather sexy cos of the fullness I felt hugging around it. It's probably around 33". I did a subtle rub on her tummy, making her giggled at the ticklish sensation. The material of the dress she was wearing was soft n it makes my touch more sensitive to her. There were no 'layered' foils of flesh as I have expected from her size. In fact, it was not much different from an average ger's waist except for the larger circumference n 'fuller' feel of softness. Slowly, I moved my hands upwards n met with the under part of her mammoth bust. Jus a slight touch of those twin mount everest peaks was enough to load up my curiosity. I have a strong desire 2 conquer those high altitudes. Damned! those 2 torpedoes r jutting out like rockets waiting 2 be launched. Ok, it's a challenge I have set upon myself! How i wished I could just sink my teeth in2 the softness of those giant sacks of mammary glands. Me not having my dinner earlier din help oso.. (:} I did not move further upwards. It wld have been 2 obvious cos of the massive task n me being a very private person, wouldn't 1 2 give a free show 2 those around. Instead, I moved my nose close 2 her neck, jus slightly below the back of her ears. Smelled the hair, hmmm.. nice. I brushed her hair aside, smelled her perfumed spot. hmm... my cock streched to its full length at the mixed smell of her light perfume n natural body scent. I pressed my rock hard cock against her soft buttocks. Can't help it but to subtly rub my member along the crack of her bum. MAN!! Mission is on!!! |
Re: Bbw
having a post fuck hang over from the strenuous exertion last nite.. can still feel the strain on my balls n shaft.. doesn't help when I have a hard on re-living this encounter again..
![]() Nevertheless, I'll try 2 continue the write up. Appreciate your patience. |
Re: Bbw
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Re: Bbw
Where was i? O ya.. Mission on..
At that point, I had no regrets not joining the other group of chicks liao. A few chaps were stealing glances over our side, although we r in a corner by ourselves. She turned around and looked me in the eyes, giving me a sort of cfm look. We hugged, my arms can hardly wrap around her so I ended up resting my hands on her butt and squeeze those cheeks softly. She pressed herself on2 me n those 2 massive boobs were like the bridge keeping us at apart! Since she is taller then me, my face was close to her cleavage which is now revealing itself, as if saying hi 2 me.(Her dress was not that low cut la, but at times when the neckline fell lower, her cleavage will show. She was adjusting her dress all nite to hide away, but how to keep such monsters in sacks rite? hahaha...) Intoxicated by alcohol n encouraged by her positive response to my advances, I gave her a peck near her collarbone (can't actually see her collarbones la.. jus trying to pinpoint wher i kissed) I looked up and she smiled at me. Likewise I return back with a smile. Then she planted a kiss on my forehead, tilting her head, she gave another peck on my cheek (ah.. my face 1 hor, not my butt cheeks ha...) Wa! Buay tahan! I almost wanna drag her 2 the toilet n tear away her dress 2 squeeze those 2 heaps of flesh and give her fleshy buttocks a good spank! hahaha.. U may think I'm sadist, but no lor.. dunno y.. jus have the urge to bite n spank all the meaty areas. (BTW, I not in2 SM hor..) She broke silence. "Let's darnce" and without even waiting for me to reply, she dragged me to the dance floor to shake-a-boom-boom. Wa! the effects of the alcohol starting to kick-in on me liao. Dunno how long, jus remembered the dizzying disco lights and know I was shaking like a vibrator on the dance floor till droplets of perspiration start to drip down. The chaps around me must have been rather amused by the sight of a monkey and a hippo dancing 2gether (but seriously, she dance much better, n hippo is a bit 2 insulting 2 describe her though.) hahahaha.. After much physical exertion, we were slightly sobered up. We went back 2 our corner 2 quench our thirst. Then the DJ put on the slow music, ah... I hugz her and we did a slow dance at the corner. This time, I hug tighter, n buried my face into her bosoms, oblivious 2 the surrounding stares. WA!! HEAVEN!!! The score ran out and the DJ announced that's it 4 the nite, and lights on. What!!! *%&%@!#*&^Z$#.. I cursed for the untimely intervention. She excused herself to the washroom. I told her I'll wait 4 her 1st. Kept the bottle n went to the washroom to freshen up myself. Came out and waited for her outside the ladies.. Wah! take so long 1 eh? Hmm.. 2nite a lot chio bus leh, but I was too busy liao 2 notice la.. heee... |
Re: Bbw
This not her but something for u 2 relate 2 visually..
http://xlgirls2.com/whatsnew/may2005/Cherish/10.jpg http://sassy-ass.com/plump2/0505/04/pics/iva09.jpg Enjoy! |
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