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Old 24-09-2012, 07:09 AM
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Tagged swinger club

Bros, how true are those swinger party in tagged? I've rejected 3 as the need although extreme cheap payment but credit/debit card information to register for the party ID...Anyone got any idea....? I feel that it's a fake...
Old 24-09-2012, 08:27 AM
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Re: Tagged swinger club

Originally Posted by vice83 View Post
Bros, how true are those swinger party in tagged? I've rejected 3 as the need although extreme cheap payment but credit/debit card information to register for the party ID...Anyone got any idea....? I feel that it's a fake...
If its too good to be true, then its not true lor....simple as that!
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Old 24-09-2012, 05:56 PM
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Re: Tagged swinger club

Likely a scam...
Old 24-09-2012, 10:36 PM
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Re: Tagged swinger club

Originally Posted by vice83 View Post
Bros, how true are those swinger party in tagged? I've rejected 3 as the need although extreme cheap payment but credit/debit card information to register for the party ID...Anyone got any idea....? I feel that it's a fake...
Danger bro , all just scams just to cheat u
Old 25-09-2012, 04:41 PM
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Re: Tagged swinger club

its a scam dude
Old 25-09-2012, 10:02 PM
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Re: Tagged swinger club

all scams no free dinner ...
Old 25-09-2012, 10:37 PM
bernardlee bernardlee is offline
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Re: Tagged swinger club

I can confirmed it is scam. Let me tell you my experience.
Approached by a tagged lady. The profile photos look so atttractive.
She invited me to join a swinger orgy party. In order to join a swing party I must sign up an account with a porn site. The reason behind is the porn site management is paying for the hotel room, drinks and they are the organiser of the swinger orgy party. So I was so dumb that time. Signed up a 1-2 USD account that gives me 3 days of trial. At that time, I was thinking that I have nothing much to lose to gain access to the swinger orgy party. After signed up I was given a subscription number from the porn website. Emailed the subscription number to the tagged lady. Then she replied my email that I need to sign up another package in order to enter the hotel room. Need to pay about 300USD to gain access to the room. I need to buy a costume with a mask to enter the room. There are other packages that can cost up to 1000USD to gain access to more orgy event. The instruction is to wired transfer the money through western union bank and convert them to PESO, the philippines currency. Then I became suspicious and frustrated. The tagged lady never mention that I need to pay more!! Most likely it is a scam. The email also mentions they will be using the money to help charity in Phillipines to save the poor children. The tagged lady then sent me some photos to show the swinger party that she claimed happened in Singapore. But the photos are filled with angmos and really does not look like the orgy was held in Singapore. Getting more suspicious then. Since the tagged lady claimed she stays in Singapore, I tested her with some questions about the geography of the country. She answered all wrongly. Then I googled for the pinoy name that will receive the fund. It is a guy name. Who knows the tagged lady is a fake one and it is actually a guy behind. Then I asked the lady to come out for a meeting first, she said no no as it is the rule of their organisation not to meet until the membership is confirmed. So that means I need to pay up first. Next asked about her phone number. She made another silly excuse that her handphone is left with the organiser, so cannot call her over the phone too. But she kept pestering me to transfer the fund immediately so that not to miss the orgy party on the next day. So next question I asked the location of the hotel, she gave me a Singapore hotel name but is not located at the correct street name. She always refer Ang Mo Kio as a city, and I play along with her by saying my city is bukit merah. She simply does not know about Singapore. After 2 days later this same tagged lady offer me a 50% discount to get a VIP account. wow so good meh??

In summary, I feel that it is a scam to cheat money. Immediately I cancelled my credit card. You never know they can use your credit card for further damage. I was really scared.

My purpose to relay my experience so that bros here do not fall into such trap.
Good luck if you can find the real orgy party, for now I rather stay away.
Old 25-09-2012, 10:55 PM
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Re: Tagged swinger club

its a scam. not only on tagged. on some dating apps also. just be careful.
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Old 25-09-2012, 11:12 PM
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Re: Tagged swinger club

if it's too good to be true, it probably is. especially online, many scams out there. Tagged is plagued with scums from whatever-land which is out to cheat bros who think with the wrong head. Be careful of what you surf
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