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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 10-04-2005, 07:57 PM
hosehmanz hosehmanz is offline
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Thumbs up Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

Went to Li Jia Tui Na at Fortunr Centre (03-28A). Was early and was "massaged" by a Chinese Har-er_bin lady named "Ma Li" (In Chinese) english translation means "Mary". (She speaks chinese onli)

Went to Guan Yin Temple for prayers. Finished praying and saw a stuntung lady from far walking towards Fortune Centre. HoSehManz! i thought. Followed her and reach the building. Went up the escalator to thirs floor. She had the kes.Woo!!! I walked slightly behind her and she asked me for a massage. It was only 10.30am. Below is my an hour's session with her........

Breast 36B+++
Age: 31
Had captivating eye and porcelain skin.
Licked her all the way, she responded.
HJ:7/10 (norm)
BJ with cap:8/10(I am still having the aftereffects! wat you think?Hee!)
FJ: (a)missionary: She moans softly and grabbed my ass 2 times, she cummed twice within 35mins.(b)She on top, me below, willingly ensure my dick reached her optimum interior, I think the bed nearly gave way!)
Licking of my nipples is the most seductive forplay. I cummed within 40 mins of (a) and (b). She is a gem, she claims me too!.

She will only be here until 25 April 05 (Social visit pass) thus enjoy your way there!

Damage: 36 entrance fee, Combo fuck job $90 (Paid her $100 in all).
Dun have her number but will drop by this Sat (at 10.30 am sharp!) (She locked the door! as other gals not ard yet). We have a solid time....wooo

Cheers and enjoy!
Old 11-04-2005, 07:16 PM
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Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

Originally Posted by hosehmanz
Went to Li Jia Tui Na at Fortunr Centre (03-28A).... saw a stuntung lady from far walking towards Fortune Centre....Went up the escalator to thirs floor...
hi bro hosehmanz... so she's not from Li Jia? What's the name of her shop or unit no.? ...Or turn left or right from the escaltor? Which door? Any description of the shop?

Thanks n hope to cheong-ahhhh....!
Old 11-04-2005, 07:34 PM
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Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

unit is stated above, i think its one of those backlane shops, walked once before, very scary cos all of em like prey sia...only 1 or 2 are young the rest all like 30+
Old 11-04-2005, 08:07 PM
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Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

Originally Posted by topfuel
unit is stated above, i think its one of those backlane shops, walked once before, very scary cos all of em like prey sia...only 1 or 2 are young the rest all like 30+
Thanks bro-topfuel! So he actually means the shop on the 3rd level. And you say the shop itself is on the 3rd level and located in a corner?

scary cos like prey? what does it mean? so many aunty-level types huh? Hee!
Old 12-04-2005, 12:36 AM
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Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

Originally Posted by groo
scary cos like prey? what does it mean? so many aunty-level types huh? Hee!
walk round d whole of level 3 n u wd know! u juz cant miss d hijackers!!!

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Old 12-04-2005, 12:38 AM
hosehmanz hosehmanz is offline
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Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

Ma Li (Mary) is not auntie type. She is from this Tui Na shop in the shop name called "Li Jia" Tui Na. Further down are at least 3 shops; dunno theor shop no and dun care cos they CMI, will call for you.

If auntie, I will not follow her from Guan Yin emple there till Fortune, at least 100 plus metres, you think my eyes paste Singapore Post, (Hee Hee, just joking no offence).

Unit No repeat again is #03-28A. Up escalator, turned right, walked 16-20 steps, go around 10.35am-11.30am. (Early bird catches the best worm.... hee hee). Counting down to another encounter with her in 130hrs.....

Cheerios! (She got CD, strawberri favour).
Old 14-04-2005, 05:12 AM
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Re: Li Jia TN - The Ho-seh-womanz...

Originally Posted by hosehmanz
Ma Li (Mary) is not auntie type....If auntie, I will not follow her from Guan Yin emple there till Fortune, at least 100 plus metres, you think my eyes paste Singapore Post...Early bird catches the best worm....She got CD, strawberri favour....
Wah! bro Hosehmanz, u really ho-seh man...! but i dun fancy strawberry flavour... wonder if she has kopi-o or teh-c flavour. Bwahahhahahaha!

Thanks n hope i can visit her before 25-april.... cheong-ahhh.....!!!
Old 14-04-2005, 10:57 AM
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Angry Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

hmmmm talk abt TuiNA at firtune centre,,,... me just went there 2 weekends ago.. ..didnt really remember the name of the tuina shop but vividly remember its around the corner at the 3rd levelz.. inside have 3 gals... mi would like to relate one incident to the bros here...

it was a sunday afternoon around 4pm... mi and a buddy were in this tuina shop and havin a good time when suddenly heard some commotion that came from the next cubicle...

Wat happen was that this particular chap who is in his late 20s or early 30s. apparently after went for a 30min session and another extention of another 30min.. Did some FJ i think.. and after the session...KNN say didnt know he brought not enuff money to cheong...FUCKING LAME!! somemore keep insisting of paying just a session and even ask for discount for his specials... KNN, horny wanna cheong and still so cheapo... end up my girl has to go out during halfway of my HJ to mediate them.. end up the gals lan lan just have to take wat was being offer to them..

REALLY a knn cheapo guy... I really hope he is not anyone from here... WAT A DISGRACE!!! ...
Old 15-04-2005, 09:37 PM
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Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Un-Fortune-nate Centre...

Originally Posted by jasper
...this particular chap who is in his late 20s or early 30s. apparently after went for a 30min session and another extention of another 30min.. Did some FJ i think.. and after the session...KNN say didnt know he brought not enuff money to cheong...FUCKING LAME!! somemore keep insisting of paying just a session and even ask for discount for his specials... KNN, horny wanna cheong and still so cheapo... end up my girl has to go out during halfway of my HJ to mediate them.. end up the gals lan lan just have to take wat was being offer to them...REALLY a knn cheapo guy...WAT A DISGRACE!!! ...
Some-more so near the Kuanyin and Indian temples... Gods Blast Him!!! Bwahahahahah...!!!
Old 17-04-2005, 10:27 PM
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Talking Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

went to li jia this morning and found my regular wl there. she's x*** h** fr another tn joint . she got big sparkling eyes and nite-club hostess look { at least by my standard } the last time i tried her which was last month i can say she provide rather good service. Massage are of "tn" standard , but when comes to special, she rather "free" can do deep frenching ( tongue fighting kind ) can caress and suck breast, can also do fingering ....... ( note: if she doesn't do or let bros do the above, bros pls don scold me becos i'm quite a regular to her thats why.... if she allows the above then bros enjoy......) start with her ontop then change to missionary . will not rush u ......
look 7.5
boob ample
hj na
bj na
fj 7
sorry for the rather messy fr becos need to go work liao........
Old 18-04-2005, 10:56 AM
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Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

Wow, looks like ther is many good comment on the TN. Must go recce again. In the pass I did see some rather mature lady (not old) in the third floor of Fortune C. If I am not wrong, the unit there is very small and would not be convient.
One of the bros here mention are rather right it is so near to the holy place and lots of Monks are in the building.
Old 18-04-2005, 04:03 PM
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Re: Li Jia TN - The Ho-seh-womanz...

Originally Posted by groo
Wah! bro Hosehmanz, u really ho-seh man...! but i dun fancy strawberry flavour... wonder if she has kopi-o or teh-c flavour. Bwahahhahahaha!

Thanks n hope i can visit her before 25-april.... cheong-ahhh.....!!!
strawberry flavour or kopi-o flavour ,u do not need to fancy because u are not doing the blowjob!!! hahahahahahahaha no offence..but cannot tahan u write like that as if u are sucking yourself and enjoying the flavour..
Have u ever rate yourself be4 u rate others????????????
Old 18-04-2005, 06:03 PM
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Re: Li Jia TN - Tutti Fruitti flavours...

Originally Posted by SiPayChun
strawberry flavour or kopi-o flavour ,u do not need to fancy because u are not doing the blowjob!!! hahahahahahahaha no offence..but cannot tahan u write like that as if u are sucking yourself and enjoying the flavour..
hehheh, bro Sipaychun... u dunno leh, once we start frenching, the kopi-o/teh-c flavour will make me steam n cum faster man! That's y hope there's other flavours, otherwise Si-pay-chum!!! Bwahahhahaha!!!
Old 20-04-2005, 10:08 AM
giggs310010 giggs310010 is offline
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Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

Originally Posted by hosehmanz
Went to Li Jia Tui Na at Fortunr Centre (03-28A). Was early and was "massaged" by a Chinese Har-er_bin lady named "Ma Li" (In Chinese) english translation means "Mary". (She speaks chinese onli)

Went to Guan Yin Temple for prayers. Finished praying and saw a stuntung lady from far walking towards Fortune Centre. HoSehManz! i thought. Followed her and reach the building. Went up the escalator to thirs floor. She had the kes.Woo!!! I walked slightly behind her and she asked me for a massage. It was only 10.30am. Below is my an hour's session with her........

Breast 36B+++
Age: 31
Had captivating eye and porcelain skin.
Licked her all the way, she responded.
HJ:7/10 (norm)
BJ with cap:8/10(I am still having the aftereffects! wat you think?Hee!)
FJ: (a)missionary: She moans softly and grabbed my ass 2 times, she cummed twice within 35mins.(b)She on top, me below, willingly ensure my dick reached her optimum interior, I think the bed nearly gave way!)
Licking of my nipples is the most seductive forplay. I cummed within 40 mins of (a) and (b). She is a gem, she claims me too!.

She will only be here until 25 April 05 (Social visit pass) thus enjoy your way there!

Damage: 36 entrance fee, Combo fuck job $90 (Paid her $100 in all).
Dun have her number but will drop by this Sat (at 10.30 am sharp!) (She locked the door! as other gals not ard yet). We have a solid time....wooo

Cheers and enjoy!
dear hosehmanz,

Your FR on Ma Li is not too accurate.

Her breast is not 36B+++
According to her, she is not going back on 25th April.

But overall she is attractive, with CFM look.
Her HJ to me was very rush, can't wait to finish me off, and very money minded, the moment she got my money, she turn back and walk out of the room, very rude.

I will not go back again.

So brother in this forum, take note, don't waste yr money on Ma Li
Old 21-04-2005, 09:18 AM
ne iihcomik ne iihcomik is offline
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Re: Li Jia Tui Na at Fortune Centre (Near to Guan Yin Temple)

Wanted to try this JiaLi place last nite. Went to Fortune, but the door was closed. So, walked further down, and ended up at #03-09, something Jing.
Rather good experience. Was served by a Sg gal (can hear her say the wah laus) by the name of Sky. Young gurl, who kept saying she was ugly...drove away many customers. Said I was only her 2nd customer for the day. I thot she wasn't pretty, but looks cute, and told her so.

Anyway, massage was no good, then don't know why she so shy, when offer special, took such a long time to get those words out of her mouth. Finally, she said give me 3 options:
A)HJ $30
B)BJ $50
C)None of the above.

I was glad she didn't ask for $50 for HJ, and was wondering if I should go for BJ, when she must be thinking that I don't want to go for anything, so she came out wif a new 'package' -- A+B $40. LOL. I said ok. THEN she became quite chatty. Really quite cute, like commentating on what she's going to do...."I don't really know how to remove underwear...blah blah blah.....I always start from the bottom...blah blah blah...... My breasts are very small (by the way, 33C, according to her) blah blah blah....

Overall a good experience for me. Cute Sg girl, who also works for escort agency, and I only paid $20 (for half hour msg) + $40 special. Got a not very powerful BBBJ, but nonetheless enjoyable. Will probably RTF.
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