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Old 17-12-2004, 10:16 PM
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mivec deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Nanning, China

OK bros, here's my first international FR... Well actually it's 3 FRs, so I will split into the 3 encounters I had while I was over in China...

Just came back from a trip to Nanning & Guilin, and man, I must say that the place is rather happening (not as happening as BKK though)...

Went to the sang1 na2 joint at the nan2 fang1 da4 jiu3 dian4 (south side big hotel) and was immediately greeted by a pretty PRC girl and the mamasan. Was ushered into the changing room, which looks like the Dragon HC changing room. Thought to myself ho seh liao. hehheh.

After changing and tokking some cock with the 2 PRC dudes helping me with the slippers and the robe (they're pretty talkative, and know how to make the customer feel good, e.g. they said my Chinese say until very zhun4, say my body well built, kept calling me lao3 ban3 (boss) etc). Was then ushered into a room at the back of the place and stripped to my shorts and waited on the massage bed.

Within 1 minute, a sweet looking girl wearing a white bodice and long white boots came into the room. She asked me if it was ok for her to massage for me. Took a good look at her, and told her ok. Initial impression is that she is very soft spoken, and face is 7/10. A bit short, but still ok.

After she lock the room, she told me to lie on my back, and started to stroke my legs. Asked me if it's my first time in the joint and I told her yes. She then very straight to the point and told me that the joint offers special services. So I ask how much. She said the "full set" (quan2 tao4) is RMB400 (equal S$80), which include BM, BBBJ, AR, FJ... Thought about it for about 2 seconds and then I agreed.

She then proceeded to TCSS with me a bit, told me her name (wei1 zi3) and her number (#118), and said that she prefers to talk to her customers for a bit first. Haha... damn funny. She talks in a damn cute way, and had her long hair tied up, so looks like schoolgirl like that. Said she worked there for a few months liao, and they go for checkup every 2 weeks. After TCSS for about 10min, the bloody room phone rang. The mamasan called to ask her "started already or not? why always like to TCSS with customer?" haha... damn funny. After the phone call, she then did one final confirmation with me that I wanted special. I told her ok lor, then she took off my shorts and stripped out of her bodice. Pretty saggy breasts, but still ok lah. A little but of tummy but forgiveable also.

What followed after that was pretty unforgettable. She turned me over so that I was now lying on my front, and then she proceeded to give me a body massage after applying baby lotion on my back. Not too bad the feeling. She then proceeded with a catbath of my back, but while she was doing it, she had some warm milk in her mouth, and she was making slurping sounds as she was doing it. First time I experience this, so was quite taken aback. The catbath was not too bad also, and my didi by now was about 1/4 there.

After that, she then spread my legs wide wide, and stuck her mouth into my crack for the AR. It was pretty good, and the warm milk made it feel extra nice... Lick and lick, made me damn shiok.

She then flipped me over on my front and proceeded with the BM and catbath on my front, paying attention to my nipples. At this time, I was playing with her breasts, and realised that they were not that saggy after all...

After the catbath, she then filled her mouth with warm water with some disinfectant solution sprayed inside, and proceeded to give me a BBBJ. By now my didi already stand up 100% liao, and her warm mouth around my didi with the correct amount of suction felt heavenly. Seeing her head bob up and down over my cock, sucking eagerly, made me even more excited. She then followed up with cold water, which was expected. By now, my didi already 110%, throbbing with excitement. I didn't expect what was next though...

After she spat out the cold water, she put a mint sweet in her mouth. Its not the chewy kind, but the Fox's kind (transparent one), and continued with the BBBJ. Man, it felt goooooood! The cooling feeling after the cold water treatment was damn damn f**king shiok balls... Along the way, she asked me "shu1 fu2 ma3?" twice, and I replied "hen3 shu1 fu2..."

She then proceeded to cap me, and wanted to ride me. I told her no, then proceeded to carry her and laid her on the bed to f*** her missionary. She guided my didi inside her love hole, and then I proceeded to pump her missionary for the next 5 minutes. However, due to long time never cum, plus the shiok treatment I got from her before that, I cummed after 5 min... Sigh.

After that, she held the condom and pulled me out. She then proceeded to clean me up, and kept talking to me in a very friendly way. She TCSS about her family, about how much she earns (about S$2000 a month, which is quite a lot for them), ask about SIN, talk about the PDMM and the PRC that come here to work etc. Along the way, she sprayed disinfectant into a cup of water, and proceeded to clean my didi and herself, rinsing her mouth. Good hygiene, and makes me feel safer...

After that, I ask her to come to my hotel room but she said she doesn't do room calls, as she can get into trouble. I told her ok lor, then proceeded to tip her with 100RMB (S$20). After that, she hugged me and said that she felt that we got some connection, but I think it's all for show only lah. But still I give her 100 marks for effort and I left feeling happy and sextisfied...

Name: Wei1 zi3 (#118)
Face: 7/10
Body: 6/10 (short and a bit on the plump side)
BM: 7/10
AR: 8/10
BBBJ: 10/10 (hot+cold+mint=shiok!)
FJ: 8/10 (good gf feeling, no rush, natural moans)
Overall damage: RMB650 (S$130), incl tips to the shower dudes, robe etc.
RTF: Yes (see below)
Old 17-12-2004, 10:34 PM
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Re: Nanning, China

FR #2: Guilin, China

Proceeded to Guilin after a few days, and was looking around at all the sangna joints there. Saw a few promising ones, including the one at my hotel (dan1 gui4 hotel). As the opportunity didn't present itself, I didn't get to try the joint that I targeted (can't remember the name liao, but it's called XXX XXX entertainment center. Looks like one big f***shop). Ended up settling for the joint at my hotel, which is in the basement.

Went in and had to change out of my sandals into a pair of slippers. Was escorted to the changing room and took a quick dip in the jacuzzi to loosen up, followed by a shower. The dude here was less talkative, but that's not my focus, so I didn't give a f***.

After I changed into my robe, I was escorted to a room. The bed was a futon on the floor, with a small side table and a NOISY clock. Bloody thing was ticking away the whole time. Damn irritating. But it was so dark, that I thought ho seh liao, sure got action.

In comes this PRC chick, dressed in their polo T-shirt uniform and shorts. Look at the face, quite the crash, about 5/10, but figure was ok. Didn't ask me if it's ok for her to massage me like the girl in my previous FR, so I also never ask. Later the mafia come in and cut off my didi then I mati...

She proceeded to give me a massage on my back using baby oil. LOTS of baby oil. KNN, whole back so oily, cannot stand it. Along the way, she tried to TCSS with me, but I couldn't really catch her accent (can't remember which part of China she was from). She then turn me over to my front, and ask me to remove my shorts. OK lor, look at her face in the poor light, ok lah, still can, so I agreed.

She then massage me with lots of baby oil, until I dulan. But then she wipe off, so not that bad... Then she brush her hand over my balls and didi, and started to give me a HJ. Was ok only, as she was very mechanical. However, she then started to talk about $$, say she gets paid very little, say the boss takes a large cut of the fee lah, say normally customers who get special service will jia1 zhong1 (add time) for RMB68. And she kept repeating and repeating the RMB68 bit, wah lau. KNNBCCB, sibeh sian. Kept saying it over and over and over, say some customers no good lah, never pay. Say I must remember to "add time", say it only cost RMB68. Wah, sibeh buay tahan. My didi also sian 1/2 at this time, and cannot erect. She then pour lagi a lot of baby oil on my didi and rub damn hard... KNN! I told her don't use so much oil, then she clean off some, but then continued rubbing mechanically... and talking about the RMB68. Wah lan, fucking pissed off. But didn't dare to tell her off again as I was in a foreign land, so just bear with it.

After about 15 minutes of her trying to flag some life into my flaccid c*ck, I told her I will do it myself, but she insisted on doing it for me. Tried to think happy thoughts about other encounters, but my didi just will not listen. Wah lau, torture man. She then capped me (???) and I thought ok, got action liao. But no.... She just gave me what I thought felt like a BJ, but it was the worst f***ing BJ of my life. No movement at all boy. Even my ex gfs doing it for the first time are better than her. She just put my c*ck in her mouth, and stayed there. Wah lan eh... Tried to move her head, but she didn't respond. After the "BJ" for about 5 min, she said "bu yao chi1 le4" and took my cap off.

After another 5 min of boring HJ, I told her really never mind, I will self-help, and proceeded to jerk myself off just to get release, and to end the torture. Cummed after 5 min, then she clean up for me. She then said it was too early for me to go, and if I go now the boss will say she's trying to be a slacker. I thought WTF??? Cum liao still cannot go... But she massaged my thighs and inner thighs, so it wasn't that bad. But after 10min, I told her I'm damn tired liao, and that I will tell the boss that it's me who wants to go, not her fault. Then she proceeded to help me wear my shorts and asked me to write the bill. SHe then talked about the $$ again, and I just nodded and wrote out the RMB168 for her. After a quick shower, i left the place feeling cheated.

Name: Don't know, don't care.
Face: 5/10
BJ: 0/10
HJ: 2/10
RTF: F*** NO!!!
Old 17-12-2004, 11:23 PM
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Re: Nanning, China

FR#3: Nanning, China

Returned to Nanning after a few days, and was feeling damn sexually frustrated after that abortive attempt in Guilin. After dinner and a shower, proceeded upstairs to the same joint I visited a few days ago. This time, more familiar with the system, so I brought my wallet into the room with me so that I can tip the WL directly.

After the shower and being attended to by the same two talkative and very "sa ka (3 leg)" PRC guys, I was escorted to the TV room and was given Chinese tea and a plate of watermelon. I'm sure the watermelon costs $, but I didn't care. The mamasan came, and recognised me. So she ask me want to RTF the same girl or want to try another one. At first I wanted to play safe, since my experience with #118 was pretty good, but I decided to ask her to show me the goods first. Told her I wanted a tall, slim girl, with a pretty face. She smiled and said no problem. Within 2 minutes, she brought out one girl, but the face cannot really make it. Body was good, but not slim. So I said no, and asked to see another one. The next girl was tall, macam model like that, slim, and the face was not too bad, around 7/10. On first look, thought nah, cannot... but then look again, and decided to try this new one.

I was then escorted into a further away room than the previous one, with a TV and a sofa. I was told later its the VIP room. OK, looks not bad. The girl came within 2 min, and she looked gorgeous in her black and red qi pao. Face is quite pretty, but not stunning. After the helper put all the necessary "equipment" into the room, she locked the door and started to talk to me. Ask me if I wanted to turn on the TV, if the room light was ok. I asked her what her name was, and she said "qin2 ni2" (#5). She asked me to lie on the bed, and this time round, this girl got straight to the point. She stripped and I took a good look at her body. Breasts were pretty small, with light brown nipples, and her body was a little boney, but I'm ok with that. Rather slimmer than fatter, that's what I like.

She proceeded with the BM and the milk catbath like #118, and it was not as good this time. maybe becos we didn't get to talk much, and therefore it felt more like she was doing a job and the gf feeling was not as good. She then told me to prop up my ass, and she proceeded to spread my ass cheeks apart and gave me a DEEP AR. Man, her tongue felt really good, probing my a$$hole so deep. As she was doing it, she kept taking sips from the mild disinfectant solution and spitting it out, which I felt was a little weird but good for hygiene.. I guess. The heavenly AR went on for about 5 minutes... shiok. Definitely the best AR I've ever had.

After the back treatment, she told me to turn around, and gave me the customary catbath for my front. Felt ok lah, but seeing her dimly lit face going about it lovingly made me rather excited. However, my didi was not responsive this time round, probably due to the can of beer I downed just before I came upstairs. f***. Anyway the BBBJ was the same treatment as the previous time, ie, hot + cold + mint. My didi responded this time, and after about 10 min of the BBBJ she capped me and wanted to ride me. Again I told her don't want, and went for missionary instead. Pumped her missionary, then proceeded for doggie style, but after about 3 min of doggie style, my didi went soft already. Alamak. Donno why also. Maybe its the beer + the psychological effect of doing it in China (threat of HIV), but was pretty disappointed with myself. She ask me what happened, and I told her maybe it's the beer. She was very nice about it, and told me to rest a bit. Told her we needed more caps, and she went out and came back with 4 (!) more caps.

We laid down beside each other and started to TCSS. As the conversation went on, I started to kiss her body and her ears and nipples, and started to finger her also. Wah, very wet, and it's not lubricant. She started to writhe in pleasure, and said it felt very good. Seeing her reaction made my didi start to react, and she also noticed. Proceeded to give me a BBBJ with the warm mild disinfectant in her mouth, but then I went limp again. KNN. Looks like tonight is not my night man. She then said no problem, and continued to talk with me. The more we talked, the more comfortable she became with me, and started to treat me more and more like bf like that. Talk about everything under the sun, and I was very happy with her attitude also. No pressure from her at all, and she was telling me that it's not healthy to HJ or masturbate (after I told her about the f***ed up HJ I got in Guilin) and that I should have sex at least twice a week etc. Hehheh. Time was running up, and I told her that I wanted to "jia zhong" and she called the mamasan on the phone.

To keep a long story short, this went on for about an hour. Every time I felt ready to enter her, I would end up limp again. Was really worried as this had never happened before, but I think it's psychological. On the fourth time, I was pumping her missionary and almost completed the mission, but then the f***ing phone rang and she had to pick up the phone. KNN. Time up again, and I added time again. when she hung up, my didi already back in senang diri position, but again she was very nice about it. Said the phone very shuai1, spoil the mood. TCSS a bit more, and by then I had used up all the caps she had. I had one cap in my wallet, and I took it out. She looked at it suspiciously at first, but when I told her I bought it from Australia (Ansell ribbed is the best!) she said ok...

TCSS, TCSS, then I looked at her lying there with a thin layer of perspiration on her fair skin. Buay tahan already, so started to kiss her face and lick her ears and neck, then proceeded to kiss her slowly hardening nipples. Fingered her again, and she became wet within 10 seconds. She said I really knew how to make love (but I know she's just saying this to make me happy, as I was quite disappointed with myself this time), but she said it with such sincerity that I actually believed it for a while. Her eyes were closed in pleasure and she was writhing about. She reached out to stroke my didi, which was slowly getting back into his mari kita position for the fifth time. This time I reached 100% rigidity and turgidity, and capped myself with the Australian-made ribbed condom. Spread her legs, then she guided my erect didi inside her. This time it felt much better (maybe the condom not as thick, and it was ribbed), but I managed to keep it up this time around. Kept pumping her, and with each thrust, I alternated between deep and shallow, fast and slow... She hugged me damn tightly and was moaning softly with each thrust. Quite believeable... After about 5 minutes, I finally shot my load inside her, and collapsed on top of her, the two of us breathing really heavily...

She smiled at me between her pants, and said she finally "ba3 ni3 gao3 ding4 le4", and pulled my still erect c*ck out, holding the condom at the base. She then proceeded to clean me up, and hugged me after that, saying that she will miss me. I told her to come to my room after work at 0300 and she said ok at first, but then I told her I needed to check out at 0630 and she then said no point la... Lan lan. We went into the shower and she showered for me, and for a moment I thought I was back in GL Cat 40...

As it was my last day in China, and I still had a lot of RMB, I decided to tip her more for her effort and her good attitude. Ended up tipping her RMB500 (S$100), and her eyes turned really big when I passed her the money. She said no customer had ever been so generous with her, and I told her it's ok, that I really enjoyed the 2 hours I had with her.

Went outside and took a nice long warm shower after that. Tipped the shower-room attendants RMB50, and paid up at the counter. Total damage was RMB550+550(tips). It might seem like a lot but as I said, I was very satisfied and I had no use for the RMB anyway. And it was for 2 hours of tip top service.

Name: Qin2 ni2 (#5)
Face: 7/10
Body: 7/10 (I like slim girls)
BM: 6/10
AR: 10/10 (nice and deep)
BBBJ: 8/10 (mint treatment second time round not as shiok)
FJ: 8/10 (not rushed, good attitude even though I was not performing)
Overall: 8/10
RTF: Definitely... if I ever go back there.
Old 18-12-2004, 12:06 AM
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Re: Gulin, China

Great FR brother Mivec. I'm visiting Guilin next week as well, but I don't think I'm going to cheong there. The place has became very commercialized (due to booming tourism) over the years and things became very expensive liao. I seriously think that you overpaid for the services. However, as long as you think the services are worth the price and you don't mind paying for it, it's okay.
Old 18-12-2004, 07:44 AM
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Re: Nanning, China

Thanks bro Hurricane. I also know that I overpaid for the services, but as I said, I enjoyed myself and it was comparable to the GL Cat150 price anyway

Enjoy yourself in Guilin!
Old 18-12-2004, 10:31 AM
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Re: Nanning, China

Frankly speaking, I don't think there is much to see in Guilin now. Perhaps the park there is worth a visit (er....i meant healthy sight-seeing). I will probably settle down at Yang Shou to relax for a couple of days.

Brother mivec, do share with us your adventures in other parts of China. I think everybody who visit this website would want to know where the "fun areas" are. Thanks for sharing !!

Originally Posted by mivec
Thanks bro Hurricane. I also know that I overpaid for the services, but as I said, I enjoyed myself and it was comparable to the GL Cat150 price anyway

Enjoy yourself in Guilin!
Old 21-12-2004, 08:11 PM
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Re: Nanning, China

nice report bro.

but then, the tipping of rmb500 is way too high especially when u r at the naning or gulin. although tipping is a nice gesture, we shouldn't over do it.

For chinese living stanndard, which is a dollar to a dollar as compared to sing,
RMB 500 is equivalent u tipping a HC gal in singapore, 500 sing $.
If i am a massage gal, my eyes will popped out too.
FYI, mthly wage at Guilin side howvers around 300-600 rmb and that is min 6 days work hrs at 8-10 hrs a day !

Of course end of the day. it's one's own take on how much to tip base on satisfied services

cheers !
Have Fun !
Old 24-12-2004, 10:56 AM
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Smile Re: Nanning, China

Originally Posted by betterman
nice report bro.

but then, the tipping of rmb500 is way too high especially when u r at the naning or gulin. although tipping is a nice gesture, we shouldn't over do it.

For chinese living stanndard, which is a dollar to a dollar as compared to sing,
RMB 500 is equivalent u tipping a HC gal in singapore, 500 sing $.
If i am a massage gal, my eyes will popped out too.
FYI, mthly wage at Guilin side howvers around 300-600 rmb and that is min 6 days work hrs at 8-10 hrs a day !

Of course end of the day. it's one's own take on how much to tip base on satisfied services

cheers !
IMHO, I think it is not very nice to "spoilt the market". Like JB, it used to be a cheap get-away for us. But, as a result of excessive tipping, it is no longer a cheap place for fun anymore. Batam is another place where ppl had overtipped the gals there. When I started cheonging there, the gals will ask you to buy this and that and when they leave, they will ask for "taxi-fare" plue a tip. This is what happened when you are too generous to them.

Well, but in this case, since Nanning and Guilin is nowhere around sland, then it's okay.....
Old 24-12-2004, 02:16 PM
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Re: Nanning, China

Great FR you have there.. wish i have a chance to try them.. anyway, 5pts for your effort
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Old 24-12-2004, 03:38 PM
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Re: Nanning, China

very typical of china's saunas , go changin room , strip/change , bath , go relax or go straight to room . best place to shower in winter as the bathroom/suanas are heated .
Old 27-12-2004, 02:49 AM
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Re: Nanning, China

Nice thread bro make me very "gian" too..Thanks for sharing!
Old 31-12-2004, 01:00 AM
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Re: Nanning, China


I hear all you brothers man... But as I said, I really got alot of RMB to spend and it was almost the last day liaoz... and China has so many WLs, I don't think us Singaporeans will be able to do much "damage" by overtipping!

I was thinking about it, if any bros don't wanna kena "ka" by the WL becos you are from Sillypore then tell them you are from Vietnam or what lor. kekeke.
Old 02-01-2005, 02:57 AM
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Re: Nanning, China

relax, it's okie !

stay chill.......

And happy new year to Singaporeans in China especially to ppl in Zhejiang !!!!!!!!
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Old 02-01-2005, 09:46 AM
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Re: Nanning, China

Happy New Year to all , better still celebrate Chinese New Year in China . Except major cities , can play fireworks and fire crackers .
Old 09-04-2009, 06:27 PM
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Guilin/Yangshou action

Hi there...any bro can provide info where to get the girls in guilin or yangshuo? planning to go in june for a week..want to go out in cycling and kayaking and also enjoy the ladies if any? appreciate any info on this...
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