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Old 23-03-2006, 04:34 PM
steamsteam steamsteam is offline
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lunch how much ah?

just known a syt girl from a ktv recently,like her a lot,thinking of buying her lunch or dinner,but how much do the bros here normally tips?
Do any bros got any experience to share,cause i was thinking to tips $300 or $500 not sure about the rate or how its goes pls help thanks
Old 23-03-2006, 05:01 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

Originally Posted by steamsteam
just known a syt girl from a ktv recently,like her a lot,thinking of buying her lunch or dinner,but how much do the bros here normally tips?
Do any bros got any experience to share,cause i was thinking to tips $300 or $500 not sure about the rate or how its goes pls help thanks
have lunch or dinner also must give tips meh???? can't u just ask her out on he off day or something????

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Old 23-03-2006, 06:18 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

ya lor.. i suppose if u want to give her tips, better to treat her to high class restaurant so u can eat at the same time..
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Old 23-03-2006, 06:59 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

Originally Posted by steamsteam
just known a syt girl from a ktv recently,like her a lot,thinking of buying her lunch or dinner,but how much do the bros here normally tips?
Do any bros got any experience to share,cause i was thinking to tips $300 or $500 not sure about the rate or how its goes pls help thanks Bring her out for lunch still need to tip her ar. Neven in my life of cheonging I tip to bring gals out for lunch or dinner. Dun be crazy lar. Still thinking of $300 to $500. With tat kind of money you can have her for the whole night. Dun spoil market and be another 'CHAI TAU' OF Sillypore.
Old 23-03-2006, 07:11 PM
steamsteam steamsteam is offline
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Re: lunch how much ah?

i was being deducted one point for lousy post,i"m asking for feedback not zapper,why zap me if my post could provide some references for bros who might also thinking of buying girls a meal or two

anyway the girl i wanted to ask out for dinner is young,she wanted to work but i ask her for dinner that why i paying her time,me no longer young man and attactive,me got to use a bit of money to buy love,it not my fault time and time wait for no man,there might be a day you might be like me zapper,i just a lonely old man

but i still think that there might be some bros who ever done it before,mine is not the first case so if it is not wise i think i will drop the idea
Old 23-03-2006, 07:17 PM
Cheri_Popper Cheri_Popper is offline
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Re: lunch how much ah?

If a meal with her you tip her $300 to $500 then a bonk with her you gonna tip her $3k to $5k huh? Bro you damn solid leh!

I can only afford to tip her 300k - 500k rupiah for 1 night of bonk!
Old 23-03-2006, 07:53 PM
matsuda matsuda is offline
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Smile Re: lunch how much ah?

Originally Posted by steamsteam
i was being deducted one point for lousy post,i"m asking for feedback not zapper,why zap me if my post could provide some references for bros who might also thinking of buying girls a meal or two

anyway the girl i wanted to ask out for dinner is young,she wanted to work but i ask her for dinner that why i paying her time,me no longer young man and attactive,me got to use a bit of money to buy love,it not my fault time and time wait for no man,there might be a day you might be like me zapper,i just a lonely old man

but i still think that there might be some bros who ever done it before,mine is not the first case so if it is not wise i think i will drop the idea
Bro it depends in the quality of the gal and the KTV she works at. I recall back in my days of Tien An Men KTV and lots of gorgeous gals, the going rate for asking out for dinner is usually the equivalent of their "work hours" booking fee. It range from 300 to 400 per night that she does not work. For lunch date it is realy your call to offer tips as you see fit. I suggets that anything between 200 to 300 is fair considering that she is willing to give you her sleep hours to accompany you for lunch.

Having deep pockets helps to impress these Mei Mei...and the fringe benefits that it offers......... of course only for quality gals only..........

Have fun..
Old 23-03-2006, 08:18 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

It's an absurd idea to pay tips for lunch with MMs, but it's happening. I have so far never paid for monetary tips, but end up the girls asking me detour buy fruits, NTUC buy shampoo, tooth paste, etc.

The small ktvs MM sometimes ask you "zhao gu" (or take care of them) and ask for $50 to $100, whilst the bigger ktv MMs can ask you for $200 and/or bring you to shopping centres or Louis Vutton shop .

If there is a bonk after lunch, then no need to pay tips for lunch because it should be inclusive in the bonk price.

The guideline for me is no need to pay monetary tips. It becomes too commercialise, I would rather bring my female colleagues out for lunch.
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Old 24-03-2006, 10:42 AM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

Originally Posted by steamsteam
anyway the girl i wanted to ask out for dinner is young,she wanted to work but i ask her for dinner that why i paying her time,me no longer young man and attactive,me got to use a bit of money to buy love,it not my fault time and time wait for no man,there might be a day you might be like me zapper,i just a lonely old man
If you want to look for love, then perhaps you are looking for it in the wrong place. Else you can also consider paying the bros here, say $100 for a meal and many will be more than happy to offer you brotherly love. If you are so old as you claim, what are you looking for a young KTV girl? To acknowledge her as you god-daughter? If you are looking for sex and the GF feeling and dont mind paying, there are many elsewhere willing to be mistress, part time GF.
Old 24-03-2006, 02:46 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

$300-$500 as tips? i was thinking 'Crazy or what!'

bro, yr $$$ could b better spent elsewh. if u really want to splurge on her, pl spread yr tips out over a few outings. who knows, she may not like u n avoid u subsequently after receiving yr big tips. N if u give too much on yr 1st outing, she may have a tendency to expect similar or more fr u in d future.

take care n G'luck!

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Old 24-03-2006, 02:52 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

Aiyah steamsteam, even if you are an old man that wants to buy love also not $300 - $500, just cheong once a while and save up for old age, or you really intending to make her your wife?

If really thinking of making her your lover/wife, by starting off with tipping that much, she might have the thought of digging your entire gold mine and leave you out in the night to let the cold wind blow man.
Old 24-03-2006, 02:59 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

Bro steamsteam,
I would better suggest you to keep the $$ and go join the blind lunch date or something...

You get to meet gals who might even give u better returns later on.
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Old 24-03-2006, 03:22 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

Haha... Pay 300-500 bucks for a meal...
I really thought it was a joke or something...
I guess there are still Veggie Heads in Singapore...

Bro.. Listen...
There is no need whatsoever to pay or tip her to have lunch with you...
Unless u get to fuck her... then maybe u can consider paying her some +++en amount like 100-200 bucks..(<---Do this if u get laid, not get lunch)
Otherwise if u start tipping her 300-500 bucks to have lunch with you...
I dunno how much u have to tip her after u have sex...1k??
and when she realise that u are willing to pay....
oh boy... there goes your entire savings.. if you have any left.. when u pay gals to have lunch with you...
Old 24-03-2006, 03:33 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

Originally Posted by steamsteam
just known a syt girl from a ktv recently,like her a lot,thinking of buying her lunch or dinner,

Don't waste your money. If you have spare cash, donate it to an old folks home or to some worthy charity.
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Old 24-03-2006, 03:43 PM
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Re: lunch how much ah?

Just give her a call and ask whether is she free for lunch or dinner. Dun need to tip her for that one lar!! Anyway u already giving her a treat. If u dun feel good then go for a short time.
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