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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 03-01-2016, 01:22 PM
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Smile CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Dear Bros

I started this thread to revive the interests in the joints in Peace Centre, as it has always given me fond memories & more pleasant ones to follow I am sure. There are at least 6 KTV joints over there catering to different patrons & taste.Thus it is one of the evergreen joint to chill with likeminded people & enjoying lots of fun together. Lately there are a huge influx of quality PRCs & abundance in quantity too. Everyone seems to be working hard towards their goal so that they could have a bountiful Lunar Chinese New Year, thus it's the best time to go over to these joints now. Looking forward to all Brothers holding Sessions in these joints to support with notification of Sessions coming up & juicy news from completed sessions are greatly welcomed.

Cheers to the New Year 2016.
May Health, Wealth & Prosperity Be With You All

Old 03-01-2016, 01:45 PM
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Good to see the thread back

Anyway a very boring Sunday . No kaki

Last edited by totoman; 03-01-2016 at 02:31 PM.
Old 03-01-2016, 05:20 PM
Honestkeith Honestkeith is offline
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Smile Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Happy Hour Session on 16 Jan Sat at Club Jade Or China Doll By HK

Dear Bros

I am organizing an outing on the above date for HH session but could probably extend to SH Session depending on the demand. Those brothers who are interested and available do contact me via phone contact or pm message leaving Clearly your hand phone, Name & Nick in Sammy for easier communications. Looking forward to a wonderful, enjoyable and fun day with likeminded Bros. Quality and Quantity is at the best for this period so don't miss it. Cheers!

Old 05-01-2016, 12:14 PM
Honestkeith Honestkeith is offline
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Smile Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

happy hour session club jade 5 january tuesday by hk

dear bros

i have an impromptu session hh in jade today 5 jan tuesday, those available & wish to join me reply asap via sms or call to my mobile at 90899919. Cheers!

Warm regards
Old 09-01-2016, 06:55 PM
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

whoa, suprise to see another thread for both cj and cd.
Old 10-01-2016, 09:31 AM
Ieonkiwi Ieonkiwi is offline
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Ieonkiwi Ieonkiwi Ieonkiwi
Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

waste time thread LOL
Owner and all the kah kia register nick to boost business

Pretending to write FR and organise group outings to their own joint Hahaha
Old 11-01-2016, 12:06 PM
xmfxmf xmfxmf is offline
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Any difference in girls for club jade and china doll ? Or they will just run up and down 6 and 7 floor
Old 12-01-2016, 03:50 PM
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Originally Posted by xmfxmf View Post
Any difference in girls for club jade and china doll ? Or they will just run up and down 6 and 7 floor
Yes they will do that mostly
Old 13-01-2016, 11:50 AM
cupiddidi cupiddidi is offline
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Been there couple time and the last one is about half a year ago.

Sitting at the hall is not bad if you just want to relax and listening to the singer.

however, inside the KTV room I find the girls are like robbery. They just came in to insist to sit with you and force your hand to grab her boobs, and then ask for tips...once you tips them, then they will sit for 3-5 mins and you will never see her anymore. By chance if you ask for bill, they may re-appear to ask for another tips...seriously not much hope on these places..
Old 13-01-2016, 02:09 PM
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Ya, that's the problem of ktv without mummy, no mummy to control ..
Next target :4000 points

Enjoy and be happy!
Old 14-01-2016, 08:47 AM
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Smile Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Hello! Cupididi,

Hopefully you are not a noob like someone here who concur with you on knock door joints @ Ki__@ U should always look on the positive side of things. The fact that such joints you get a refreshing selection of Quality PRCs who usually can only be found in high class joints and be paid a pittance compared to what you may need to foot out if in a high class joint overrides the negative factor of infrequent visits by these gals. Most often than not those gals are already veterans over there to do such acts in you. Be firm to reject if you don't feel comfortable with any gal ( no tips even if u stay )almost works every time.
Take down their contacts for communication later, sms for their return or we will not pay you will mostly get them back soon unless booking. Of course there are times even such measures doesn't work but take it as a challenge and enjoy the session as much as you want. That's Knock Door session KTVs
& non have better quality & Quantity for selection other than Peace Center.

Old 14-01-2016, 01:14 PM
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Originally Posted by cupiddidi View Post
Been there couple time and the last one is about half a year ago.

Sitting at the hall is not bad if you just want to relax and listening to the singer.

however, inside the KTV room I find the girls are like robbery. They just came in to insist to sit with you and force your hand to grab her boobs, and then ask for tips...once you tips them, then they will sit for 3-5 mins and you will never see her anymore. By chance if you ask for bill, they may re-appear to ask for another tips...seriously not much hope on these places..

Bro dont give any tip before you leaving, if the girl wanna leave before you, just tell them to fuck off lah, u r the boss and they shouldnt leave before you 😁😀😀

If they insist to sit with you, just tell them u r not gng to pay them and leave the decision to them, never ever pay them even if they insisted, unless the amount time they spent with you and service is good.
Old 16-01-2016, 01:40 AM
ktvcheongster ktvcheongster is offline
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Originally Posted by cupiddidi View Post
Been there couple time and the last one is about half a year ago.

Sitting at the hall is not bad if you just want to relax and listening to the singer.

however, inside the KTV room I find the girls are like robbery. They just came in to insist to sit with you and force your hand to grab her boobs, and then ask for tips...once you tips them, then they will sit for 3-5 mins and you will never see her anymore. By chance if you ask for bill, they may re-appear to ask for another tips...seriously not much hope on these places..
bro u try club sands. so far gals n waiters services good. try to believe. those not good de we just dun go lor. no point.
Old 16-01-2016, 10:20 AM
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Just sharing what i learnt from going to such joints.

Push door joints is a bit rowdy compared to mummy joint as the girls there are free to come and go as they wish, and no one is there to 'control' them.
However, like what bro HK mentioned, you do get very quality girls over there who usually works at high class joints. Most of them go there during HH. Do go early for their HH, say 530pm so that you are among the first to be there.

And to bro cupi, yes there are some old birds (both lao jiao and old ones) there who might act like robbers you say. But well, hand is yours and money is in your pocket. Even if they insist to sit with u, force u to grab their boobs, etc. Hand is still yours lah, dun squeeze till song song then cry foul mah.

I do encounter such incidents too. What i do is, keep my hands to myself, tell them politely i dont want to sit them, if they want they can sit all they want, drink all they want, but i will not tip them. Be firm and say no. Usually after they hear the part that u will not tip them, they will leave lah.
Old 22-01-2016, 04:41 PM
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Re: CLUB Jade & China Doll KTV Sessions (Hottest News)Peace Center

Checking with regulars of Peace Centre's KTVs. Is the SYT still working there? Forgotten her working name as haven't been down for more than a year.
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