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Old 23-09-2008, 07:57 PM
you_all_suckers you_all_suckers is offline
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My Wife's Sexual Appetite


I have something to share with you guys but was wondering whether if this is a normal kind of sex life that I have with my wife, perhaps you guys can enlighten me.

I'm in my early 40s & my wife is in her late 40s, we really do enjoy our sex life throughout our marriage. I'm very lucky to be bless with a wild sex partner that I have ever come across in my life. She is sexy with long hair & can carry herself quite stylishly & exquisitely in public, this worries me in a way because whenever we are out shopping or dining, men always drool at her especially the caucasian bastard.

One thing that I don't quite understand about her is that I don't know why my wife is highly charge with sex, her sexual appetite is incredible at her age. She needed to have sex at least 3-4 times per week, she is quite wild on bed & each session I’d make sure she cum 2-3 times the minimum, I wonder her sexual behavior is normal ?

As you know when a man reaches the age of 40s, our body won't be able to generate/recover as much sperm as compared to our younger days when we were in our 30s. I'm an active sportsman & I love sports very much thus my sports performance has been affected, not as energetic & as perseverance as before.

I love my wife very much to the extent that when we make love, I’d always surprise her with something new, eg. I’d use her scarf to blindfold her, in addition I'd use our curtain rope to tie both of her hands to our bed railings while I'm kissing & fondling her from behind, from there my tongue will start working from her ear down to her anus & there I’d start licking & eating her pussy furiously. This is where she starts moaning & purring like a mature cat loudly, this really makes me & her in cloud nine. After all these years I was wondering if it is because of all this sexual act that makes her wanting more & more ?

So can you guys pls tell me how can I make my wife to lower down her sex drive, care to share ?


From a very frustrated worried stressful active sportsman.
Old 24-09-2008, 10:03 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

u are fortunate. I envy U.
Old 24-09-2008, 10:25 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

Yo bro,
you have a good thing going so stop whinning. Or are you trying to show off?
Your supposed problem seems to be you losing interest in her as a sex partner. If that's true, try cosplay where you get her to dress up as your fantasy girl.
But if you truly need a rest and still keep her satisfied, pm me and I'll try to help out physically. Don't worry, I'm around her age and won't be any competition for her affection with you.
Old 24-09-2008, 10:34 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

u stated that your wife now late 40s, so u no need to worry. in a few years, her menopause will start and her sex drive will plunge to zero.
Old 24-09-2008, 10:40 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

Wah lan eh!
Like that where got problem?
If wife always dowan, then problem mah.

Like mine.

Old 24-09-2008, 10:41 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

Hey bro, seem squite normal to me as women tend to get more appetite as they mature. Some when they hit menopause and go on HRT get even more horny than before so that could be another reason. As long as you are keeping her happy you don't seem to have anyhting to worry about.

I understand that regular exercise can hep us guys maintain or at least improve our sexual ability. We got to keep fit to keep up with them. Take up some form of regular exercise and see the difference after one month at least of regular activity (at least 3 times a week).

Hope this helps, I know sometimes difficult to keep to exercise routine as I experience but when you are fit it really is worth it.
Old 24-09-2008, 11:01 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

Don't worry, it is normal. majority women when age reaching mid 30 to b4 50+ the sex drive will increase, then after will going down. My wife with early 30 + 2 kids, wanted sex more and more, from 2-3 time per week to 4-5 times per week (min). Is normal and I enjoy it, hehe. But hor still not enough for me leh and me still snake outside to eat

You must think in this way, you are a lucky guy married with a high sex drive's wife. You know alot of wife after married with kids, "sian" to make are lucky guy. Agree with me? :P
Old 24-09-2008, 11:05 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

Hey Bro,

U are so bloody lucky as compare to me, imagine my wifey now early 30 already sooo low sex drive I will have to wait another 10 yrs for her to reach 40 then her sex drive increase.....

Actually too high or too low sex drive sometime can be a headache to us guys...
Old 24-09-2008, 11:23 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

I think you are approaching this wrongly.

Instead of trying to reduce your wife sex drive, i think you should find ways to increase yours.
Old 24-09-2008, 11:24 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

Bro, maybe you should try to increase your sex drive to match hers. And then it'll be great sex all around
Old 24-09-2008, 11:42 AM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

Wife with High sex drive...

dun suppress her, try succumb her... isn't it good to have ur lady begging you for more!!?

actually, with the age gap, i can envisage your wife closing an eye on you for 'quick meal' when u touch late 40s and her nearing 60... coz, she knows u have ur high sex needs! perhaps u should really rediscover urself and find ways to fill her up at this juncture...harvesting for your future. hahahaha

congrats bro, you are in the positive side of things

happy bonking!

Last edited by Regular1000; 24-09-2008 at 11:52 AM.
Old 24-09-2008, 02:51 PM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

well too little of somting is no gd.too much of somting is neither gd too
Old 24-09-2008, 07:00 PM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

I think TS' worry about his wife's high sex drive is more of a security issue. Thus his desire to want to reduce her sex drive.

You see, he must be afraid that he might not be able to match up soon, and the high frequency of lovemaking is wearing him out so much so that it has affected his sports performance.

Well I guess this must be every 40ish man's nightmare and every young man's dream.


TS, buy a dildo for her lah. That's all I can recommend. Either this, or you can try to increase your sex drive. Which I reckon is a steep hill to climb.....
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Old 24-09-2008, 08:49 PM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

Originally Posted by you_all_suckers View Post
One thing that I don't quite understand about her is that I don't know why my wife is highly charge with sex, her sexual appetite is incredible at her age. She needed to have sex at least 3-4 times per week, she is quite wild on bed & each session I’d make sure she cum 2-3 times the minimum, I wonder her sexual behavior is normal ?
Yo TS, u already strike top prize with this kind of lady as wife.
Why want to reduce the drive.
Wait your wife goes from 4th gear to parking gear then u know.
For all u know, lots of guys out there is still waiting for durians to drop.
If u want make her guai gaui, just make her carry ur baby now.

As for yourself, try take more Zinc supplement.
That will help a bit in maintaining your supplies quantity and quality.
Old 24-09-2008, 10:41 PM
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Re: My Wife's Sexual Appetite

Bro, u r in heaven so enjoy it, where rest of us can only envy u from far.
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