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Old 05-11-2018, 04:00 PM
Daneone Daneone is offline
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Highest amount you pay

I gladly pay $1K for a session with a Instagrammer. No regrets.
She was a chio 20 yo model with a fake huge boobs. Her account has more than 180K followers and have been following and chatting with her for more than a year before I finally get to do the deed.

Last edited by Daneone; 13-11-2018 at 07:37 AM.
Old 06-11-2018, 11:32 AM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

I have tried local FLs who featured in youtube, crimewatch,local 小电影 and korean top FLs.
Hefty pricetag around 1k.
Old 06-11-2018, 04:05 PM
Becky Becky is offline
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Re: Highest amount you pay

Originally Posted by rey69 View Post
I have tried local FLs who featured in youtube, crimewatch,local 小电影 and korean top FLs.
Hefty pricetag around 1k.
Wow ! Care to share who was it ? Gotten 1 in those MediaCorp “extra actress” too !
Old 06-11-2018, 06:35 PM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
Old 06-11-2018, 06:46 PM
jabwemet jabwemet is offline
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Re: Highest amount you pay

So basically this thread is to hao lian how much u kena carrot head for sexual gratification?
I’m game!
I paid AUD 3k for a pair of ladies (one from hk and another was From Singapore) in a casino in Melb after I won some money at the tables and was feeling a bad combination of tipsy, randy and invincible .
I don’t know if they were actually working gals but I met them at a club nearby and was having fun with them and then I just offered them $$$$ to come up to my room.
It was for the hkie but they insisted they come as a pair. They rejected the first few offers until we settled for AUD1.5k per girl.
This was back in 2006 and this was a lot of money to me.
But we (ok maybe just me.. I think they had fun too, can’t confirm) did have fun and to be fair to the ladies they made it worth my time by still keeping in touch with me even after that day.
Not anymore now since they are all married but I did tell myself after that never to spend so much again and stay on a budget! (I won $2k from the tables.. had to top up for the ladies, food, drinks, other intoxicants, transport and accommodation).
Was broke that month after that but totally worth all the instant noodles and walking I had to do for that month till next pay day.
Old 06-11-2018, 07:05 PM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

Lady 1

I paid 2k to get a lady I like to sex with me for 3 days, each time 2k. I also grant her a 10k tips .
The amount doesn't matter, its more of whether if we can afford and how much we enjoy, happiness have no price tag.

Lady 2
I also paid about 2000 SGD for 2 days of good sex, 3 shots in 2 days at a foreign country (not sg), and the sex was as good.
After that, due to work, I met the lady again at another place by contact her through IM and I paid her 2200 sgd for her 4 days of companionship with good sex.

In fact both ladies are beautiful than the ladies I bonk in the past and they are "cleaner" as their sex partners is lesser with beautiful boobs and face.
Don't ask me who they are because they dont live in sg and they don't do FL as a job.
Quitting the scene.
Old 06-11-2018, 11:32 PM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

Originally Posted by blocky View Post
waaa.... many rich bros here. i got nothing to share so just enjoy the stories
I thot this section is for Orgies/Swinging/Fuck-Buddies/Sugar-Daddies? Now becoming a FL thread? If you want to talk about spending on SB, this would goes up to $XXXK.
Old 07-11-2018, 12:53 AM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

Originally Posted by blocky View Post
hmmm.... maybe the bros here consider it as premium Fuck-Buddies
like ST Premium. except with more depth
Old 07-11-2018, 02:54 PM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

I tried a few 18-21yo for between 500-800
Old 07-11-2018, 03:08 PM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

Originally Posted by bradplay2018 View Post
Lady 1

I paid 2k to get a lady...

Lady 2
I also paid about 2000 SGD for ...
what's the diff between 2k and 2000?

Old 07-11-2018, 03:45 PM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

$2,000 for one time

Raw session and cum in pussy with Malaysian Chinese SIA Air Stewardess (on pills)

Now she is married back in Malaysia and a Datin now
Old 08-11-2018, 01:46 PM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

$4000 for a asian beauty ($3000+$1000 Airticket & Pimp)
Old 08-11-2018, 02:08 PM
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Re: Highest amount you pay

1.5k SMU syt
Old 08-11-2018, 06:18 PM
Daneone Daneone is offline
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Re: Highest amount you pay

Originally Posted by bradplay2018 View Post
Lady 1

I paid 2k to get a lady I like to sex with me for 3 days, each time 2k. I also grant her a 10k tips .
Total cost is $6K and tips is $10k. Tips is more than the total cost agreed upon! Tips is not a given and normally given when the girl goes the extra mile. Wow,you must be very happy with her.

I usually tell the girl upfront I will provide her a tips only if she is good. For example,if she quoted $500,I will either say ok,$400 + $100(tips) or $500 + $100(tips,if I am generous). This is to ensure that she performs as she knows what is at stake and to avoid a starfish especially if you intend to spend 3 nights with her as in your case. But I will never tip her more than the base price. It benefits no one except the girl. She will expect the same tip the next time if you are going to repeat with her,if you don’t intent to repeat,then why tip her excessively. Nobody wins except the girl.

Last edited by Daneone; 08-11-2018 at 09:51 PM.
Old 08-11-2018, 10:08 PM
jabwemet jabwemet is offline
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Re: Highest amount you pay

Originally Posted by Daneone View Post
Nobody wins except the girl.
And sometimes, that’s not a bad thing..
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