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Old 16-03-2009, 04:47 PM
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Divorce Process

Hi Bros

Can anyone advise or share experience if you are comfortable, on the fastest time and lowest legal cost it takes to complete a uncontested divorce for a singaporean couple that is married in Singapore for 10 years?
The reason of the marriage breakdown is indifference attitude towards each others over time, no third party involved. The divorce will be done amicably. Tks.
Old 16-03-2009, 07:00 PM
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Re: Divorce Process

Originally Posted by vhigh View Post
Hi Bros

Can anyone advise or share experience if you are comfortable, on the fastest time and lowest legal cost it takes to complete a uncontested divorce for a singaporean couple that is married in Singapore for 10 years?
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Old 16-03-2009, 09:23 PM
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Re: Divorce Process

it is not the legal cost that will kill you. You can walk down Chinatown temple street and such to find a decent price divorce.

Got children? any assets?
If she is housewife and have children for you, then you are gonna die cock stand.

Work hard and earn many many $$$$$. Let her be the monster for all you care. When you are rich, you can solve problems better
Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. ~Barnett R. Brickner

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Old 16-03-2009, 09:35 PM
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Re: Divorce Process

hi bro, let me share my experience with you. You can go to the legal aid department near to maxwell rd where the legal fees is cheaper than the usual legal lawyer in fook hai complex which is about 2k. You need to go two times to the family court to hear what the other party had said and the second time to hear what the judge has judge you, ie to pay her how much and then wait for 6 months for the documents to come. That is uncontest divorce.
Old 17-03-2009, 10:17 AM
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Re: Divorce Process

Go to the family court, and find out..... That you will have all the answer. If you need aid, they will direct, if you need to check what is the fastest time frame, they will tell you.
BigBoy 2
Old 17-03-2009, 10:22 AM
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Re: Divorce Process

Originally Posted by tinyterms View Post
hi bro, let me share my experience with you. You can go to the legal aid department near to maxwell rd where the legal fees is cheaper than the usual legal lawyer in fook hai complex which is about 2k. You need to go two times to the family court to hear what the other party had said and the second time to hear what the judge has judge you, ie to pay her how much and then wait for 6 months for the documents to come. That is uncontest divorce.
hi bro,now I know where to find cheap legal service since it is an uncontested divorce, the next questions do I have to wait 3 yrs to file divorce on the ground of indifference attitude?

My wife and I have already agreed on all the auxillary matters pertaining to children, assets and ailmony. We want our freedom and not fight. 3 yrs is a long wait for us.

Please advise.
Old 21-03-2009, 03:23 AM
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Re: Divorce Process

I got a Q to ask too, last week meet one of my PRC girl Friend just friend ar... don't think wrong ar....

She it marry to SG guy for about 2year plus liao.....No BB yet n now the girl got the her PR i think it last yr jun ba, she was thinking to divorce with that man....

The Q it if they Divorce will that girl still can remain her PR in SG?

Can her husband cancel her PR if they really divorce?

Why my friend want to divorce with her husband it because he outside got anyone woman...... whereby my that girl-friend found out and catch it on the spot sia..... so unlucky right that guy....
Old 21-03-2009, 03:27 AM
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Re: Divorce Process

Hi ,

if it is uncontested, price should be within 2.5k to 3. No kids or custody issues will be the best senario for u.

Song ling and Partners (look thru internet) for Mr Lim Kim Song or Catherine

hope it helps.
Old 21-03-2009, 03:46 AM
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Re: Divorce Process

For the 3 years wait, you need to consult a lawyer on this. they know best.also prices for lawyers doing divorces cases are getting lower. got a friend who got it done for less than 2k but she needs to wait 3 years as the divorce is uncontested and determine by judge.

check through the web or lawyer. best way
Old 21-03-2009, 02:36 PM
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Re: Divorce Process

Originally Posted by icecum View Post
The Q it if they Divorce will that girl still can remain her PR in SG?
Honestly, I'm not sure. But my gut feel is ICA may contemplate to investigate for potential fraud despite your friend is married to her husband for about 2 years. Lawyers would obviously have the answer to all her questions but it will be the question of legal fees.
Old 21-03-2009, 10:24 PM
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Re: Divorce Process

Originally Posted by vhigh View Post
hi bro,now I know where to find cheap legal service since it is an uncontested divorce, the next questions do I have to wait 3 yrs to file divorce on the ground of indifference attitude?

My wife and I have already agreed on all the auxillary matters pertaining to children, assets and ailmony. We want our freedom and not fight. 3 yrs is a long wait for us.

Please advise.
juz my view from wat i legal service as in legal aid at maxwell is only for those earning less than 10k per year..but if u earn abit more than perhaps case to case basis but not to the extend as more than 20k..(imo go look up a lawyer pay 2k market rate n get it done quick, u can spilt it between yr wife..cause legal aid tend to put u in the q..) u dont need to wait for yr lawyer opinion..can be done in less than 1yr including filing n attending court..see how yr lawyer squeeze yr case in..

agreeing with yr wife n signing black n white r 2 complete diff issues..child i suppose u shd get joint in care n control to yr wife n visitation rights to u or vice for maintainence,u need to seek lawyer advice as they will know how to plan for if yr child is schooling or not or how young/old r they friend went through it,wife ask for 800 per child n they got 2children both in pri it all depends..if u think too high than ask lower but u must have means to proof u cant afford that type of payment..finally,yr wife can ask u for a mthly sum,a lump sum or a sum based on yr future all varies..

end to end if u wan fast n quick n if u think really cant be salvage anymore than go seek out a few lawyers ask for quotes they will normally tell u a few things..than try ask them speed up for u..u can always say u have been living apart or not sleeping together since 1 or 2yr ago..think theres a term they use..i forgotten wat already..can lessen the duration..juz my 2cents luck

Last edited by gofuckspider; 21-03-2009 at 10:25 PM. Reason: spelling error
Old 22-03-2009, 02:55 PM
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Re: Divorce Process

Originally Posted by gofuckspider View Post
juz my view from wat i legal service as in legal aid at maxwell is only for those earning less than 10k per year..but if u earn abit more than perhaps case to case basis but not to the extend as more than 20k..(imo go look up a lawyer pay 2k market rate n get it done quick, u can spilt it between yr wife..cause legal aid tend to put u in the q..) u dont need to wait for yr lawyer opinion..can be done in less than 1yr including filing n attending court..see how yr lawyer squeeze yr case in..

agreeing with yr wife n signing black n white r 2 complete diff issues..child i suppose u shd get joint in care n control to yr wife n visitation rights to u or vice for maintainence,u need to seek lawyer advice as they will know how to plan for if yr child is schooling or not or how young/old r they friend went through it,wife ask for 800 per child n they got 2children both in pri it all depends..if u think too high than ask lower but u must have means to proof u cant afford that type of payment..finally,yr wife can ask u for a mthly sum,a lump sum or a sum based on yr future all varies..
Very detailed write up. This is definitely not just "2 cents worth" I sincerely hope i will not have to go through the process of divorce in my lifetime.
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