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Old 14-04-2006, 02:13 PM
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Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Really missed the exchanges in the last Woes of tirak thread.

All tiraks with woes please feel free to share your problems here.
Old 14-04-2006, 08:42 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by Red_Perrier1099
Really missed the exchanges in the last Woes of tirak thread.

All tiraks with woes please feel free to share your problems here.
maybe u start the woes rolling since i see u got woes in the other thread.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 14-04-2006, 09:15 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by Red_Perrier1099
Really missed the exchanges in the last Woes of tirak thread.

All tiraks with woes please feel free to share your problems here.
You have problem izzit bro.
Old 14-04-2006, 11:49 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant
maybe u start the woes rolling since i see u got woes in the other thread.
My tirak had complained to me that she has a customer who is very rough and kinky sex with her when they have sex. My tirak has told me personally that she dont like having rough sex with that guy, always squeezing her breasts like he had never squeezed any breasts before.

In order to make him cum faster, she would play along and pretend she is really enjoying it. She said that she wanted to complain to her boss sometimes but thought that it would affect her reputation because he had threatened her that he would write bad things about her on the net if she does that. So she did not complain.

That pervert had also asked her out in the morning to have sex with him at hotel 81 but she said she is not interested even if he pays her. She wished that the pervert will not go and find her again.

I really feel sorry for her, especially when she is subjected to physical abuse from customers.

She has given me the telephone number of that guy and when i tried to call that guy, my tirak told me that he had gone to Malacca for golf over the weekend.

will you up my rep?
Old 15-04-2006, 12:06 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

I have bring my problems to this thread instead. Sigh... Its like a forbidden love I am having.

True enough. I was away last having a ON session with my tirak. I can tell u guys last night was really dramatic.

Well, somehow, I dunno why when I went to pay for my ON to the OKT just hours before I ON my tirak, when I abt to leave, I saw this WL came out from her room and she gave me a stern look. I was still sitting there, hoping to catch a glimpse of my tirak before I go for my dinner. Then, I think the OKT go out of the house, dunno go where, this WL came out from the tank and scold me. Apparently, there was some dispute between me and that WL. The details is not impt. After exchanges of words, the OKT came in and she went back in. Then, some customers in and that WL also went for duty. Somehow, I dunno why, my tirak and some of the WLs in the tank all cry. OMG. I asked myself why they cry. I also damn scared that the OKT sees.

After explanations from some gals, they say that the WLs all feel for me and they understand it is not my fault. Sigh?! I was like so stunned when I make a move.

When I left, I sms my tirak telling her that dun be sad and that tonight will be my last night seeing her after the ON. The fact that I gave her problems makes me want to leave her for good. Somehow, she called me when I was having dinner and told me she will be sad. I told her my stand it will be better to part our ways cos we really belong from 2 different worlds.

When my ON session starts, I sat down feeling a bit restless cos I was still affected by what has happen hours before. I still love her and somehow the bet with my friends no longer matters. No more cheap trills. I think I love her alot now. But then, I told her again my stand and she explained to me that she is sad and cried just now because that WL scolded me. I still tell her that I am giving her problems and unhappiness and to part way is that best outcome. I told her I am afraid to visit that house again after that attitude from that WL. Then, out of the blue, she covered her face to her pillow and cried and cried. She keep saying "if u dun come find me, the me how?" At first, I thought it was part of her act and then I bo chup her. Then she keep cry and cry non-stop for 10 mins. I was then soft hearted and told her that I am sorry and that's when I realised my love for her is true.

I tried to coax her and cheer her up with some of my little surprises. She finally smiled a little. We kissed and hugs and we promised to bring up this unhappiness again. While drying her tears, she told me she never been that sad before in SG. Haiz. I told her not to worry and I asked her to be my gf. However, she said no cannot tell. I dunno what she mean. But she says must wait. The reason she gave me is that her feelings is still at a initial stage. She worry if she entrust all her love to me so fast now, she may get hurt if i cheat on one day. She wants it nice and slow.

After that moments later, I asked her why must wait so long then can be gf. She then gave me another reason say if she accept me now (which is so fast), she is scared that I may think that she is just bluffing me . She wants the time to justify her love for me. OMG... now I headache. The whole ON sessions makes us each other understand well. And my love is really growing for her. Can someone just tell me, is she really in love with me?

When I sleep with her last night, I dream about my parents refusing to let us be together. When I woke up, I realise that I really cannot leave without her? I think tru everthing and I din sleep well. I hug her and told her I am sorry and I promise never to leave her again.
Old 15-04-2006, 12:18 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by Junichi
leave or live ??

makes whole lot differences to the meaning of the story...
Its live. sorry for the typo.
Old 15-04-2006, 12:20 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by thekiller
I have bring my problems to this thread instead. Sigh... Its like a forbidden love I am having.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think tru everthing and I din sleep well. I hug her and told her I am sorry and I promise never to leave her again.
My little contribution...

U r not the first and will never be the last.
I had it before in bangkok... Nothing special compare to you...
But it is indeed till now the best Tirakship I had so far...
(HK are expensive, PRC are nosy, TW are lazy, Vietnam are boring)
I never regretted but will never get that kinda feeling again...
First love man...

Not to encourage you but you can enjoy ur moment now...
It will end someday... Believe it...
Thais are the smartest, the no 1 well trained Ladies in the Asia region...

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Old 15-04-2006, 12:27 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by JustNormal
My little contribution...

U r not the first and will never be the last.
I had it before in bangkok... Nothing special compare to you...
But it is indeed till now the best Tirakship I had so far...
(HK are expensive, PRC are nosy, TW are lazy, Vietnam are boring)
I never regretted but will never get that kinda feeling again...
First love man...

Not to encourage you but you can enjoy ur moment now...
It will end someday... Believe it...
Thais are the smartest, the no 1 well trained Ladies in the Asia region...
You mean one day it will end. U mean even if they accept u as bf now, they will think long term and not marry u?
Old 15-04-2006, 12:33 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by Junichi
care to share briefly how it started and why ended?
I did post it before...
In short...
I went BKK... engage her service... phone her... visit her over that period...
MIA someday... Employ PI look for her...
Found out that there are many other sponsors...
I am sad... The end

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Old 15-04-2006, 12:36 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by thekiller
You mean one day it will end. U mean even if they accept u as bf now, they will think long term and not marry u?
Talk is cheap...

I can tell you I will tio 4D EVERY week...

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Old 15-04-2006, 12:36 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Before Romeo & Juliet, there was Tristan and Isolde...

Similarities between my case and her case.

After the fall of Rome, the warlords of England are brutally kept in line by the forces of Irish King Donnchadh. One of these leaders, Lord Marke (Rufus Sewell) seeks to unite the English tribes to form one strong nation to rule itself. His greatest knight is Tristan (James Franco), whom Marke raised since he was orphaned in an Irish attack that also took Marke's family. With Tristan by his side, Marke believes he can unify his people and rid England of Irish rule. But Tristan harbors a terrible secret...

Wounded and left for dead after battle, he is nursed back to health by Isolde (Sophia Myles), a mysterious Irish beauty who hides him from her father, King Donnchadh's, forces and brings him back to life.

I am nursed back by her emotionally.

But their passionate affair is cut short when Tristan must return to England, not knowing if he will see Isolde again.

She will have to return to Thailand ONE DAY.

Still seeking to throw the English tribes back into chaos, King Donnchadh gives away his daughter as the prize in a tournament between all the champions of England. Tristan wins the princess' hand for Lord Marke, whose vision of a united England may finally be realized.

Among all her regular customers, I hope I will win her hand.

Tristan is horrified to see that the woman he has won for his Lord, the woman whom Marke will marry, is his Irish savior Isolde. Worse, Marke is a good and worthy future king, whose belief in Tristan has made the young knight who he is.

I hope I dun see her with another customer. Sigh.

First separated by countries at war, and now by loyalty to King and country, Tristan and Isolde must suppress their emotions for the sake of peace and the future of England. But the more they deny their passion, the more fiercely it burns. Despite their efforts to stay apart, Tristan and Isolde are driven inexorably together, risking everything for one last moment in each other's life.
Old 15-04-2006, 12:37 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by Junichi
are u really prepared or want to marry her?
Is the lady willing???

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Old 15-04-2006, 12:37 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by Junichi
are u really prepared or want to marry her?
After the dream I had with her, I am prepared to marry her.
Old 15-04-2006, 12:38 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by JustNormal
Is the lady willing???
She say can marry.
Old 15-04-2006, 12:40 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

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