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To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
Dumb fellas out there...Stop posting joints name or girls name in ur FRs.
Good joints are getting lesser and TNs lic are getting tougher to be issued. Even issued also temp 6mths with so much fishing going on. Yes Avs dont depends on this forum to raid joints as they have all the names of TNs at their finger tips. With so much raiding getting on, just a normal HJ girls also do until in a rush for fear of raid. Knn all the good old times are all gone. They are all paranoid like shit. Writing so colorful FRs for farks? To get points or to show u are not a virgin? Enjoy ur Fark while u can as it will be gone in no time and all thanks to u. Looks like only chionging in DG/CP can be at ease.
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu, SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage 摸的时候是滑的,抱的时候是香的,吃的时候是甜的 I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely! Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time. ____________________ Do not reply my comments or pm me for locations if you are a CLONE account. ANTI-CLONES |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
TS, excellent points you have made there... fully agree with you. Just upz you as well.
I find it quite unbelievable and lamentable that a lot samsters just do not think of the consequences when they post FRs or start threads with incriminating info plastered big big for all to see. The worst is when such a thread is started with name and/or location of joint and the girl in the title by a TS with more sperm than grey matter in his head... and such threads keep getting bumped up when others simply rush in to post FRs or populate it with all sorts of juicy details... and often, before we know it, the thread just spirals out of control ...and it is not just newbies and low pointers.... I see some senior bros doing that as well. To me, it simply defies any logic and explanation. Last edited by GR888; 15-08-2012 at 11:55 PM. Reason: correcting typos... |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
I dun quite agree fully. I think it is how u write the FRs that matter more. Just dun disclose too detailed of its location.
The forum is intended to share sexperiences so that we have a gauge of where the good deals are. Perhaps not so much in this section but u hardly see a FR in the FL dome nowadays. It just becomes a yellow pages for OKTs services. I can see your point also la but reading FRs is also part n parcel of a Samster's life, haha...
SBの皆さん、 よろしく お願いいたします |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
One common feature of a forum (be it for car, hobby or sex) is to SHARE or to SHOW OFF what u have or accomplished. That is human nature.
On the other many readers enjoy reading too! ![]() To minimize this, we should have a sticky thread to warn the new members. Let us face the fact that whoever surfing this forum was due to small head ruling. Don expect too much that they will uses their big heads to think further. In other forums I have joined there are a group of moderators to monitor the situation and act or warn accordingly. Here we can only leave to senior and power brothers to zap these ignorance new comers. It is like paying school fees to learn the lesson. It may be too late though as they have already posted their write ups. |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
i have to agree with what TS wrote, it is truth pls protect our ground.
will Upz u once my power is back. |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
Second what TS said. Had Upz U my humble pts Bro.
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Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
The main issue in this forum is how we can share safely, writing a gd n discreet FR is very important. Try not to disclose any land marks such as (opposite ABC building), location such as (north, south, east, west or street names), levels such as (walk up to 2nd floor), names such as (P*L*C* SPA), and names of ladies (C*R*L). All these "clues" will narrow down the search of the playground. What we can do is try to share discreetly, names n location will only be send via pm & it will be better to "screen" n set a requirement for sharing. Just my 2 cents here, hope we can still "protect" these joints for our pleasure n release. Cheers |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
Totally agreed that sbf is about sharing and the forum moderator do not monitor cos they make no $ from it...
but it's damm tiring to finally found a good massage place to know that it will close again and again... And there are so many FRs writing so clearly about the names of the place and girls... There is no purpose being so detailed... And there is an option which is the pm inbox... Wana write detailed essay can leave out names and joints what... Chiong until damm tired... Good massage girls mostly up the lorry and have to work secretly... It's either those samsters are all virgins or plain cyber king..
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu, SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage 摸的时候是滑的,抱的时候是香的,吃的时候是甜的 I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely! Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time. ____________________ Do not reply my comments or pm me for locations if you are a CLONE account. ANTI-CLONES |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
Hi bros,
My 2 cents is that we shouldn't have a one size fits all policy. I agree to both schools of thoughts, some for certain places and the other for other places. Please find below some of my personal belief system and personal protocols, it may differ from yours, no offence intended. These days, I agree that we have to be discreet for places that are open. HCs/SPAs/TNs, if we do spell out names of joints and gals in the open forum then then there is always the added risk of clamp downs. Really like bro GR888's kinky callsigns and creative naming conventions for joints. The other category that I wont mind naming and sharing gals name more openly are FLs(cause they do that themselves) and clubs like Nooky etc. These clubs have their own screening protocols and most operators would rather we help them FR then keep quiet. There are OKTs/operators that will say things like dont disclose location or dont write FR, for those cases, I will comply to their wishes. Protocol when it comes to sharing: There are joints that I do share with bros that are reputable, simply cause I found those joints myself. I do my own screening. As for joints that I did not find myself, joints that Bros recommended me or contacts that I requested for, I dont consider myself the thread starter nor the owner of the contact. What is not mine is not mine to give away, plain and simple. So if bros ask me for such contact, I will refer the bro back to the thread starter. Cheers
Been there done that, had plenty of good and not so good memories throughout the years... Now there isn't much excitement left and the places seem so mundane. Guess this is retirement for me for now... |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
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Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
Haha I think some of them have too much "tadpoles", hence their rush of blood leads to...
It will be difficult to master indeed... |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
Write can write, but leave out the Street name, Building name, Spa name and girl name.. Just give a general idea of where is it..Maybe like.. A good one up North.. or something happening in Town..
Whatever action any bros want to write in there can. This is generally how i write FR.. must protect joint ma.. Set your points.. like min 50pts.. or at least have 5FR or something. Names and stuff.... do in PM la.. Also must screen tru.. Just adding my 2cents worth. |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
Also, I never mention in my FRs entrance fees or the style of uniforms worn by the girls I bang. I have managed to crack the locations of some joints posted by other bros simply because they reveal such info, coupled with the general location. On another occasion, it was the level of excruciating detail that a bro described the facilities, as well as the decor and layout of a certain joint that led me to it. There are only so many joints out there on our little island... such minute details which may seem innocuous can be dead certain giveaways when seen by the eagle eyes of seasoned cheongsters.... so I only share such things over PMs. Finally, I do not set a point limit for sharing. I screen for post quality & a consistent track record of constructive sharing of massage and meat joints... For me, post count and forum join dates are simply irrelevant. The way I see it, one can easily earn points writing sexual fantasies and posting pics in other sections. That's why I only share with genuine cheongsters because that was how I earned all my points over the last 8 months....by visiting joints, uncovering gems, writing FRs and sharing discreetly in this section. But let me stress that these are just my views on how I approach sharing, not trying to impose anything on anyone at all... I merely say this as part of the discussion and experience sharing on this thread. As bro tepes had so eloquently articulated in his earlier post, there ain't any "one-size-fits-all" model of sharing on this forum. As with so many things in life... different strokes for different folks apply. ![]() Last edited by GR888; 17-08-2012 at 05:21 PM. Reason: correcting typos... |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
Thanks for this.
Good tips. Bump it up. |
Re: To those dumb fellas whom post FRs with names
Over the years, I do notice that whenever a place( mall, location of shophouses) business is going down hill, with less traffic, it tends to attract such business into that area,
not surprising that most of these new places I seen( be it posted here, or during business trips n returning to singapore), I notice such shops mushrooming up in areas where shoppers desserted. I guess it is business sense, if a shop owner cant rent out, obviously he would rent it out cheaply to cover overheads than to let it empty. So as to say, such playing for us will never cease to exist, and just that we got to be careful in writing out FRs and giving out locations. FRs - Do and dont Dont give out names, exact location, and street direction, even worst, the CONTACT NUMBERS. Do write about the skills, experience you had, preferby some statistics on gals( so that brothers have certain likings can go for it, like MILF, SYT, boobs size). Obviously the gals themselves have to be discreet about themselves and not going out to get customers like they are LICENSED to do so. Just my 2 cents
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day ![]() For INCOMPLETE LIST OF MASSAGE CENTRES IN BATAM See link below http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...6580&page=1281 |
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